… I got nothing here. Legislator talks about Mt. Rushmore being Freemason shrine through which communism is being spread.

State Rep. Joe Donnell is a pretty nice guy, but when you go on internet broadcasts and claim Mt. Rushmore is a demonic freemason shrine, and a portal through which communism is being spread, that might be a problematic thing.


..Well, I got nothing. Legislators, please stay off of crazy internet broadcasts on Rumble.

42 thoughts on “… I got nothing here. Legislator talks about Mt. Rushmore being Freemason shrine through which communism is being spread.”

  1. This guy is a tool of Satan. One of Satan’s best tricks is to get us to see him where he isn’t so we don’t see him where he is.

    Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

  2. Darn it! Next time I go to my Masonic Lodge meeting, I’ll have to ask who told Joe about the communist mind waves we’ve been pumping out of Mt. Rushmore all of these years. At least he didn’t talk about the secret treasure of gold that we have stashed inside of it. If anyone found out about that, we’d be done for.

  3. Absolute nonsense. Total “Know Nothing Ism” , honestly, we are reverting to 1850. We cannot govern by looking for Satan over our shoulder while trying to discern the “messages” being emitted from a pile of granite in the Black Hills. How do these guys get elected??

  4. Holy Cow!!!…..or is it unholy cow???
    For all the cows (and the bulls), I mean no disrespect.

      1. How about calling them out then? Letting crazy slide by is what has got us into this mess where folks can spew this crap. Voting for people like this because they have the (R) by their name on the ballot isn’t working out so well for everyday folks. If you invite in crazy, don’t be so shocked if you get crazy.

        1. this post would constitute “calling them out.” we just wouldn’t use a democrat’s broad brush view on who all is crazy in the gop though.

  5. How in the world did this guy win a Republican Primary? I get how he won a general election….. but seriously…. Whoever lost to him should be embarrassed.

    1. He didn’t. Donnell ran against Michael Rohl in the Senate primary and lost.

      Then, Logan Manhart dropped out as a House candidate because he had issues with his residency, and Donnell was the pick to fill-in on the ballot.

  6. Please, this isn’t even half as stupid as some of the nonsense that’s frequently parroted west river.

  7. Well, I imagine he’ll be running for President on the GOP ticket soon. Maybe he’s working towards the VP position for RFK jr. The GOP race to crazy town…

  8. It is no longer necessary to ask “What were they thinking??” when the legislators propose their crazy bills each session. Don’t ask. The answer is ” IT’S JUST TOO WEIRD.”

  9. Our legislature moves even more to the extreme and more are moving to South Dakota from other states to seek their freedumb.

  10. Well..it’s always something you know. You go fishing and your favorite hat blows into the lake. You try to buy the kid a car and it’s a total clunker. The Lord tells you that the local Masonic Lodge is Satanic and they are sending Satanic messages through Mount Rushmore intended to influence politicians. You’re glad you are a Kiwanian but wonder if they are next?? Things are complicated when you’re a Republican.

  11. You have to be declared sane in order to stand trial for breaking the law. Should we start requiring our legislators to be declared sane in order to create the law?

    Between Lora Hubbel and this guy, that question might no longer be rhetorical…..

  12. Well more of these future SDGQPers are moving to South Dakota. Other states including those who are trying to save their Republican state parties from this are encouraging them to move to SD all helped by Kristi Noem’s recruitment and relocation campaign. South Dakota is fast becoming a dumping ground for the crazies.

    1. wyoming is a much friendlier place for crazies, there is more room and I would argue even more freedom than you get in sd thanks to their effort to oust horrible liberal democrats like liz cheney.

  13. The hint of sustained anti-white/American racism in this statement is troubling at best. The horrible treatment of Natives by early American politics were brutal and need to be taught so as to never be repeated as should the barbaric treatment of farmers in the Odessa region of Ukraine by Russian dictators also hundreds of years ago. The problem is that those who continually use the actions of past movements and people to drive a wedge between current people of various groups end up doing just that instead of any reconciliation. Obviously Russian dictators are still using the sword to control their minions while America has now fully engaged in electronically driven journalism and social media bombs to alter reality. Both end up ruining peoples lives.

  14. yeah I heard this stuff before. There is a church Sioux Falls teaching if you are descended from a Freemason you have a “blood curse” on you that even Holy Baptism can’t erase. You need special incantations to take care of that.
    The church is also teaching that inanimate objects have supernatural powers, if you own anything, a family heirloom or antique furniture, which originally belonged to somebody who died, you are trying to conjure up the dead, cats are minions of Satan, and my lidded serving dishes have demons in them.

    I couldn’t leave fast enough

    1. I said the same thing when someone was trying to make me eat flesh and blood. How can people actually believe in such nonsense?

      1. it has always involved wine and bread, and never actual blood and flesh, even the very first time it was done, purportedly by jesus himself. and he had the opportunity to let some blood for the event, and lop off a few toes. it has always been rhetoric and ritual, and not some call to cannabilism.

      2. ps bring any covered dishes to your local elca lutheran potluck. we will drive the demons and green-bean-tater-tot casserole from them with divine force.

  15. Praise the Lord Ronald Reagan’s face was never put up on this Satan altar. Whew.

    Mr. Donnell, if his face had gone up there, would Reagan been taken from Heaven to Hell? Also, are all buildings built with bricks (installed by masons) also demonic portals? This new age theology you are talking about is confusing to this country boy who just wants to love Jesus and read the Bible. I’m so thankful you have come to save me.

  16. By this logic, since a large number of the Founding Fathers were Free Masons, doesn’t that make the Constitution and Declaration of Independence also Satanic in nature? Therefore all of the US institutions, including the seat Mr. Donnell holds, are byproducts of evil. (Heavy sarcasm here)

  17. Freemasonry was a secret society in the late 18th century so it is difficult to know exactly who among the founding fathers were Masons. Ben Franklin was a freemason from his early twenties, John Hancock was proud of his work in Masonry, and George Washington was a Mason by the time of the signing of the Declaration and later the Constitution. Jefferson probably was not, Madison likely became a Mason but perhaps after authoring much of the Constitution. It is thought that between 9 and 23 founding fathers were Masons who signed on one or the other of the documents.

    1. In an era before telecommunications, only a secret society could have sent delegates to a treasonous convention in Philadelphia to draft the Declaration of Independence.
      The signers knew they were putting their names on their own death warrant.

      How they organized that meeting and selected the delegates from 13 colonies was cloaked in secrecy. How they knew each other, how they communicated, has never been fully explained.
      Logic tells us a secret network already existed.

      They were all Freemasons. Some people have a really hard time understanding that.

  18. Remember he was a pick of Noem and selected by the far right in Day county. We need to elect normal people to the legislature to protect SD.

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