I’d wondered where he’d gotten off to. SDGOP boots election huckster Rick Weible from the Fair Booth. (Updated)

From Twitter, looks like the election truthers got booted from the SDGOP fair booth because someone was trying to use the space for their personal agenda…

I’d wondered where Rick had gotten off to. He’s been keeping a low profile since the primary.

*update* – Had a note from a SDGOP booth worker who was there all day. He says that this entire incident was a fabrication, and that the twitter post was “click bait from those trying to defame the party.”

That would not come as a shock.

Even though it would be more humorous if they told Minnesota Rick to “hit the road, jack.”

*9/6 – another update* – As I hear more of the story, he was not kicked out, but informed ahead of time that he would not be allowed to spread his election nonsense in the GOP booth, because the booth is there to promote the Republican Party. And if he wanted to promote his cause, be should buy his own booth, like any other cause at the state fair.

39 thoughts on “I’d wondered where he’d gotten off to. SDGOP boots election huckster Rick Weible from the Fair Booth. (Updated)”

  1. He’s also been showing up at the Minnehaha County Commission meetings in support of Leah Anderson when she turns on the bat-shit-crazy signal

  2. The former mayor of St. Boni, MN has been making the far extreme right talking circuit in MN making sure his efforts in sowing chaos in that state have not diminished.

    Here he is on the far extreme right Alpha News doing an interview.

    Former MN Mayor speaks out about broken elections and voting.

    Alpha News pushes conspiracies, Un-electable extreme candidates, extreme right legislators that have terrible records for legislative productivity. It is more of the former 1 term extremist legislator Erik Mortensen Action 4 Liberty types being Libertarians who run as Republicans. He was kicked out of the Republican House Caucus, Kicked out of the “New Republican Caucus (Libertarian Freedom Caucus types that don’t get anything done except self promotion antics) and Mortensen torched relationships with DFL House members. Towards the end he was so Radioactive he would zoom in for committee meetings and house floor session and was defeated in the next election but is still sowing chaos via Action4Liberty or Rocks & Cows MN.

  3. It looks like DWC is perfectly content with the fraudulent results from the vo

    Electronic voting tabulators and the butt kissing Thune, Rounds And Howdy. One very conservative Republican candidate was eliminated from the primary as well as the general by these “elite” GOP in name only a-holes. Yes, Justin McNeal should be on the ballot There is no way in Hell he did not have enough valid signatures. Those random samples’ were far from random. One maybe, but two in the same election year? Bullmanure. Rick Weible I is one of the good guys and should be treated as an asset to the party. Some of you need to go register as Democrats as that is your true leanings.

    1. Tell me your elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top without telling me your elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. That’s fine if you want to believe this radical conspiracy theory. But you need to realize that in no way do the greater majority of republicans have the same belief.

    2. Telling republicans that don’t believe the exact same thing as you do they should register as democrats is a great way to further alienate yourself from the actual Republican Party.

    3. PLEASE for the love of God point out one race in SD that was won by fraudulent votes. And if you can cite a race, include actual evidence-not speculative statements.

      1. Not that I believe any election was stolen, I can’t prove it either way. Neither can this person.

        The relevant question is: Was there a statistical test that early voting ballot request signatures and the ballot return signature match the registration? (In South Dakota, we do have a better system than most of the swing states).

        There was not any such audit conducted in a single state and that is the tragedy and dereliction of duty damaging our faith in elections.

        Neither side can state with evidence and facts anything but an expression of their opinion about the integrity of the 2020 Covid election.

        1. Because proving a negative (the election wasnt stolen) is not possible. You all made the claim that it was stolen and cant prove it. You never have. You still believe it, though! It’s religious conviction at this point. You all have faith it was stolen.

          1. With available information, you can’t prove the election wasn’t stolen and the other side can’t prove it was stolen.

            Keep in mind the 2020 election was done during Covid, for which significant controls were relaxed to insure people voting were legally eligible and that others didn’t use early voting to vote in lieu of one who wasn’t going to vote. And, in light of this, the people running elections didn’t do a single bit of post election auditing to determine if the relaxed controls might have allowed improper votes to be cast.

            That lack of basic accountability and assessment is what makes both the people who say the election was stolen or wasn’t saying it based on their own bias and conjecture.

            Sorry, I think both sides are mostly sheep following idiots and I know you both have no evidence to support your view. Thus, you both are not worth listening to.

            1. South Dakota didn’t change a single process during COVID. Secretary Barnett mailed every registered voter an absentee request form, the same form we used on previous elections and the same form every voter could print off themselves online or get from any auditor. No process was different or ‘relaxed’ in SD

            2. We’ve got plenty of evidence that the tabulators are correct. It’s even been linked to. You are so goddamn dumb that you believe your own delusions. You’re a walking example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

      1. It appears most of you have no idea what computers are about. First rule is garbage in results in garbage out. Rule when using calculators is to have a rough idea worked out in your mind what range the answer should be in. If the answer is not reasonable go to the gold standard which is hand calculation. The mind set put into the mind of a great number of people is that machines are a truthful agent. No, these machines are just tools that do what the people that create, program, and maintain them ask them to do. These brain washed people are what makes artificial intelligence (AI) so dangerous. If you need to defeat AI you unplug the machine. So the answer is simple, the difficulty is to get the sheep to unplug. Like the king of tech Elon Musk stated “Anything can be hacked”https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/elon-musk-attacks-electronic-voting-machines-as-he-wades-into-sensitive-indian-debate-anything-can-be-hacked/ar-BB1on2AC

        1. Except for the fact that we just had our first state wide post elevation audit and guess where the issues where? With the HAND COUNT. The machines were dead on. Kinda tough to push your nonsensical argument when the facts point in the exact opposite direction.

        2. grudznick, for one, would like to hear what my good friends, the Messrs. Dale and Sibby, have to say about this computer artificial intelligence bailiwick. It seems fraught with bogusness and voodoo.

  4. The SD GOP is for election integrity. That’s why elected “establishment” GOP legislators passed a suite of election reform in 2023 to further improve the best election system in the country.

    These far right folks act like we are living in a banana republic with the bogus claims they push. Thank God we are not.

    1. What you say is true. We have a better set of controls to improve confidence the votes counted are from people eligible to vote.

      But, on the other hand, these controls were not in place in 2020 so it is possible there was fraud, albeit not in enough quantity to affect electoral outcome. Unfortunately in the swing states where 2020 was razor thin, it is possible there was sufficient fraud to affect the results. We just don’t know and it is a dereliction nobody did a post election forensic audit.

      1. And what control does SD have over any of the swing states you speak of? None. Zero. If those are the places of concern, this group needs to focus their efforts there and stop wasting everyone’s time and money in SD.

  5. John Dale is posting over at what I see as the Alex Jones of South Dakota Toby Doeden’s page that the Dems are stuffing ballot boxes.

  6. Try to listen, it is not that SD elections have been tampered with it is can they be tampered with. And the answer is yes.

    1. How? We have paper ballots. We have a post election audit. You can track the numbers all the way from the precinct to the Secretary of states office, to the national election numbers. You’re living in an imaginary alternate reality that Polemma and her goon squad have created. And I hate to say this, but every person I know that follows her bs has the IQ of a dry frog. All she is doing is using people for her own person gain and notoriety. She loves that people know her name. And that’s all she really cares about.

  7. Anonymous @ September 4, 2024 at 5:55 am said: “South Dakota didn’t change a single process during COVID. Secretary Barnett mailed every registered voter an absentee request form, the same form we used on previous elections and the same form every voter could print off themselves online or get from any auditor. No process was different or ‘relaxed’ in SD”

    If it were only that easy and it is scary you think it is or you think that statement should make you assume we had an election where only the actual votes of eligible voters counted.

    In 2016, roughly 80,000 early votes (roughly 290,000 were cast on election day) were cast. In 2020, it was over 200,000 early votes were cast and roughly 200,000 were cast on election day. These ratios closely track with the nation as a whole.

    Without a single local County increasing its staff to “process” this 150% INCREASE of early vote ballots, do you think they conducted the same diligence to check the signature on the ballot request as in prior years? Do you think they conducted the same diligence to make sure the ballot was sent to the address of the voter? Do you think they conducted the same diligence to make sure the signature of the returned ballot matched the signature of the voter registration card?

    Rhetorically, let me ask you this: Would you be comfortable increasing 150% the number of patients the nurse caring for your hospitalized child? Would you be comfortable if the mechanics checking your airplane was suddenly asked to inspect 150% more planes a day?

    Of course you’d expect more nurses and mechanics to handle the increased workload, but you assume the election offices in every county could handle a 150% increase in early voting requests and ballot returns? Get real.

    And this goes to my point: Roughly 50% of all ballots cast in 2020 were early votes and not a single person can assure me by independent review (all I hear from are those who conducted the election and have a incentive to not admit they had a problem) whether the improper ballots were 1%, 5%, 15%, 25% or more of the early voted ballots cast were “properly processed” from sending the ballot, checking the address, and confirming the ballot returned matched the registration signature, among other things including were actually alive.

    So, neither the people yelling “fair election” or those yelling “stolen election” have ANY facts upon which a prudent and rational person would rely. Nobody knows because there was virtually nobody who did a real audit. NOBODY!!

    And here is where we got off track:

    Instead of the “stolen election” crowd calling for an audit to assess the extent of potential problem ballots, assessing where we might need better early voting controls, and working for better legislation, they decried the entire system and advocated for extra-ordinary (and not allowed by law) remedies like a new election (crazy if we didn’t change the system to think the next one would be better) or overturn the election (crazy because to do what they wanted would require a coup of some type).

    But, what they “fair election” crowd did was worse because they were the people who held positions of trust and power. In the face a 150% increase in early voting demands on the system and observed “abnormalities,”* a prudent and responsible person wouldn’t scream “fair election, sit down and shut up” without conducting a review of the system and where it might have had breakdowns, stresses or problems, if for no other reason to know what to fix or enhance as early voting is here to stay. I have lots of theories on why they reacted as they opposed any post election review or audit but it is just speculation but none of the theories I can imagine are very complimentary of the people in charge.

    All I know is “fair election” crowd didn’t do their job and failed us because I have no more confidence or assurance this election will have adequate controls, processes and resources to handle the 2024 election. Sticking your head in the sand isn’t leadership. It is cowardice.

    *Abnormalities may or may not mean anything and should be expected whenever there are surges in pressure on ANY system.

    1. You’re right: sticking your head in the sand IS cowardice. Explain to me why, then, ypu consider to stick your head in the sand on the election issue when Trump first started claiming it in 2016 at the Iowa primaries. You’ve had a full decade and STILL, nobody has proven anything. But you STILL believe and claim everyone else has a problem. No. Screw you, you lunatic.

    2. Your conspiratorial distrust of anything you don’t like does not constitute an emergency for anyone else. Our voting system has handled higher voter turnouts well before, so why not last election or this one all of the sudden?

      As proven time and time and time again, there is nothing wrong with the tabulators. What is also proven is he fact that no proof has yet to be provided that shows any fraud took place. Not a single iota. Act as indignant and sanctimonious as you want, most people see through yours and Weibles bullshit.

      1. When we have high volume of same day voting, we have a Republican and a Democrat verifying ID and the extra volume is handled by long lines. The system isn’t stressed but only takes longer.

        The high volume of early voting application and ballots is a different matter.

        Regarding no one proving anything, if you stick your head in the sand and nobody investigates anything, it is impossible to prove anything.

        If the “fair election” people were sincere and committed to fair elections, they would do the audit to have assessed how the system handled the more than doubling of early ballot voting.

        But they didn’t even do it to verify to everyone they handled the surge in early voting volume. The people in charge of elections are responsible for this lack of trust in the system.

        BTW, I am not a Trump voter. So quit trying to change subject.

        1. States did conduct audits as is consistent with their respective state laws. Why are you lying about such an easily researched fact?

          1. Give me one state that did an audit post election and the nature of the audit. Just one.

            What are you people covering up? You want to be trusted and respected and you act like you are hiding something.

  8. The only thing redeeming by being a registered republican is one isn’t a democrat. Otherwise, being a republican is a stain on one’s integrity.

  9. If he and his associates would get their own booth what would be a good name for it? There are so many conspiracies.

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