Incoming Minnehaha County Auditor howling because the County Commission is paying her less than her predecessor

From The Dakota Scout, incoming Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson is pretty upset she’s coming in at the entry level of the pay scale, making $50k less than her predecessor:

Minnehaha County’s new auditor isn’t happy that she’s making less than her predecessor.

And auditor-elect Leah Anderson is accusing county commissioners who set her annual salary of playing politics with her pay.


“I’m pretty sure when the people elected me as auditor, they felt like I was qualified or they would not have elected me,” she said, alleging that members of the five-person board did not support her campaign to become county auditor. “I realize that you guys did not support me in my election, you did not want me elected.”

Read the entire story here.

Kind of divided on this one. Coming in after a man making a lot more isn’t really kosher. But, the prior auditor Ben Kyte was hired/appointed for an interim period, which may be one reason to make the salary more competitive at the time – just to get someone to do it. So I’m not sure how political it was, as he may have been lowered to this rate upon election.

But I’m sure it came as a bit of sticker shock for it to be more in line with other newly elected County officials.

29 thoughts on “Incoming Minnehaha County Auditor howling because the County Commission is paying her less than her predecessor”

  1. If I were elected to a position, I would expect to be put in at a starting level and earn my way up to whatever my predecessor made. In the business world, when you prove yourself to your boss, then you are compensated accordingly.
    In this case your ‘boss’ is the County Commission and Minnehaha taxpayers are their boss!

    1. Personally In am totally disturbed by this. Elected officials are elected. One the county didn’t need to pay Ben that much if the position isn’t worth it. The voters said she had what it takes to be in the office. As for experience it really doesn’t make any difference. Even the county commissioners pay themselves all the same. I just think they are playing politics. Just disappointed. Shows how inexperienced the commissioners truely are.

      1. While it is a job that is not the average CPA job, it’s starting pay is adequate for someone new to the position. Just like the other county employees starting. If she’s so special maybe she should look elsewhere than a public service job.

  2. Elected position are normally set by charter or ordinance, but I would also cut the pay of all Elected Officials as they are part timers and do not need the salary, due to them having full time jobs. The only time we should compensate an elected official is if we ask them to work full time in a public office or travel outside the district to meetings, which force them to leave their full time job.

      1. IT is a elected position held by “Statute” or by “Ordinance” or County Charter. IF they need more money, get a part time job in a private firm or go deliver pizzas. As an elected official, you know your ‘compensation” prior to being elected. The commissioners should have never given themselves a raise either. Elected Officials should NOT be bribed by wages.

        1. IT is a FULL-TIME job. Just as with any FULL-TIME job it should be compensated as SUCH.
          NO one is being BRIBED by wages.

          1. I am cracking up. A scathing critique of capitalism there, Mike. All these employees BEING BRIBED by their employers with paychecks. RAMPANT CORRUPTION, I tell ya.

          2. So would you be in favor of Representatives and Senators being paid a decent wage? It is a 300 days a year job. 65 days short because not all elected officials take the job seriously.

          3. Again, it is an elected position, and you agree to the compensation prior to taking the oath of office. YOU should not, nor anyone profit from the tax payers, which is why our public wages, compensation should NOT be higher than any job in the private sector. IT should NOT benefit anyone by means of monetary to work for government, that is the problem today.

            Congressman, Legislators, Councilmen all should NOT receive any such paycheck steady salary beyond being compensated for their time away for their full time jobs.

            Federal and State Officials, Officers, Agents, Employees should be capped at a specific wage at 30% of the Fair Market Wages, enough to compensate them for time serviced away for home, full time employment, etc.

              1. Correction, Legislation at the Federal Level is a part time duty, NOT A JOB !!!

                We only need to compensate them for their travel, food, and lodging, they can come home to their full time jobs…

                1. WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG! I dare you to ask Congressman Johnson and Senators Thune and Rounds what they do, as well as every other federally elected official. Votes in their respective chambers. Caucus meetings. Committee meetings. Constituent services. Traveling the state meeting with local organizations and constituents. The list goes on.

                  Knock it off with the ignorance and stop being a keyboard warrior.

  3. Do you know that big building in each county where court is held? That’s the courthouse. Many local elected officials work there. They may not arrive before 8:00, and they may leave at 5:00, but that constitutes a full-time job. And it’s been my experience that most county auditors, treasurers, registers of deeds, directors of equalization, and sheriffs do not have other full-time jobs.


  4. 50k less per year is a LOT. Like, more than what most people in the state earn. I’d be insulted and upset too.

  5. Many people are not understanding that the previous County Auditor had a full time job within the Office itself, he was appointed by the commission to fill the role of County Auditor prior to the 2022 Election, he did not give up his previous salary, but took on the additional responsibilities of running the Public Office. When he was voted or removed by the voters in November 2022 – the salary or compensation of the County Auditor reverted back to it’s natural rate of pay prior to Bob Litz stepping down. I would imagine, the previous person replaced by Leah Anderson has gone back to his normal duties in the office, let alone left completely. So I believe it was a matter of circumstance that the previous guy had a bit of a higher salary than the others may have had. The newly elected official does NOT absorb the salary of their predecessor if by ORDINANCE or “Charter” it is set in writing as a statutory figure.

    1. Yeah we are. Being an auditor is a FULL TIME JOB. States’ Attorney: FULL TIME JOB. Sheriff: FULL TIME JOB.

    2. Mike — you don’t know what you are talking about. Ben Kyte was not a county employee when he was appointed auditor. He’d been a Vice President at Citibank….way more qualified than Litz or Anderson….so yeah….I’d say he was worth way more than conspiracy crazy Anderson ever will be. And….if she actually bothered to learn anything (which she hasn’t and won’t) she’d actually find out that this was standard practice for newly elected officials.

      1. You poor thing, you love to insult and make personal attacks. You got lots to learn…

        1. Liken yourself to Thomas Jefferson again and demand our money for your pet projects, grifter.

    1. Your Welcome. I try to keep all my comments on topic, please let me know if I get off topic, you have the right to delete all my comments if and where I get off topic. I respect your decision if I go outside the boundaries. Sometimes “WE” forget to respect the rules, let alone sometimes we let our guard down. YOU actually had a great topic, public salaries and wages, this is an excellent topic.

      – Mike Zittericn

    1. I am guessing she ran for the job anticipating it aligned with the current salary in that office or the one she is currently making. This sounds more like a bait and switch tactic and it could potentially impact their household budget to a point that she can’t take office.

  6. Could this be another situation where a woman receives less salary than a man? Unfortunately, so prevalent and a reality. To balance this thought, it would be interesting to know her experience and skill set along with other starting auditors across counties.

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