Intra-caucus politics set to get more interesting for GOP in wake of caucus elections (Part 3 – Headaches from outside)

So far I’ve written about problems that the GOP Caucuses are going to have to deal with in both the House and Senate from this inside, as evidenced by several of their members going overboard, and attacking Republicans from outside the GOP.

And that’s something to keep in mind. All of this was orchestrated in cooperation with those who have no ties or loyalty to the Republican Party, except to displace those who do. Literally, they spend their energy to tear down the Republicans elected by the people of their districts, because they think they’ll somehow be put in charge by default.

In this latest election, much of the antipathy has originated from out west from those in the orbit of the Citizens from Liberty group.  Yes, this is the same group that has orchestrated attacks on the State GOP Chair, created scorecards where they cherry-pick the issues to highlight those they favor or who their leadership are related to, tried to recruit for the now defunct Constitution party, etc. When they’re not busy getting kicked out of Pizza Ranch.

Why do I mention it? Because it appears they have no intention of letting up, as evidenced from an unsolicited facebook message I received the day after the election from Kevin Quick, who was trounced in the D35 Senate GOP Primary this past June, and was later supporting Brian Gentry.

In part (and uncorrected)…

Thank you for making it easier by giving us airtime on your platform. That makes the score 2-1. You won with Jessica but know this. We will be watching her every move and putting boots on the ground to expose the backroom deals and corruption we see with the two appointed R.I.N.O.’s in our county. Oops. Make that 3-1. There sure was a ton of money spent getting there with her. Who spends 30-35k on and job that pay 19k? Rhetorical don’t answer. We already know the answer. one question…..


See you when session starts. Advocacy has no limits when people like you are attacking the conservative movement  from the inside. We have a lot of work to do to remove people like you and the R.I.N.O.’s you surround yourself with from Pretending to be conservatives.

(Unsolicited facebook message from Kevin Quick to SDWC Facebook page 11/4)

While we’re all dumber from having read his rant (which was actually my reply), it’s clear that he can’t help but announce his group’s plans, literally monologuing like a cartoon villain with a dim bulb.

When he boasts that they intend to “expose the backroom deals and corruption we see with the two appointed R.I.N.O.’s in our county“  aside from it being a paranoid delusion, it appears that he and his associates indicate that they intend to not just continue to attack Senator Jessica Castleberry, but to go after the other appointed State Senator who also won election last week in her own right, Senator Helene Duhamel.

Here’s a member of a group of people hostile to the GOP who literally have the same agenda as the Democrat Party, with one of their confederates announcing the day after they were just beat that they’re out to defeat Republicans.

While the series of posts talks primarily on the Republican caucuses in the House & Senate, Republicans in general – and not just the caucuses – need to be vigilant and keep this in mind when dealing with groups such as this.

Because they’re not here to get Republicans elected. If anything, it’s the opposite.

4 thoughts on “Intra-caucus politics set to get more interesting for GOP in wake of caucus elections (Part 3 – Headaches from outside)”

  1. What is happening now is a Tea Party times 10.

    Globalist deals will not be tolerated.

    What I’m hearing is that Thune is 100% on notice.

    Globalist leadership (both parties) got us into this mess.

    Americanism will get us out.

    I have no affiliation to these folks you’re mentioning, but suffice it to say: low information representation is a liability for our country. No more EB5 like deals. No more H1B. No more corrupted university system. Trump is not the mind spring of the new found love of America .. he is the megaphone.

    Americans (of all colors) FIRST.

    A little off topic, but Noem’s dunk on Popadufalis was epic. Great job, Governor!

    1. I am a loyal Republican but, I have had it!!! Thune and Rounds need to stop selling us out and start working for us. If President Trump said lets all leave the Republican Party and start a new one I bet a good majority of the voters would leave as well. We are so tired of the feckless, weak, get along politicians, This is not 1965, its 2020 and the other side is coming for us. Their leaders are openingly talking about punishing us and going after us, that sounds like an actual fight, I could be wrong but, feels that way. I was hoping some Libertarians made it into office so we could have a good 2nd party as we need to kick the Dems to the curb, we got close, but not close enough

  2. Pat,
    Geez, what would you do all day if it weren’t for all of these west river knuckleheads!

    Looks like plenty of blog fodder for weeks to come!

    Keep up the good work Pat.

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