Is he back already? Push poll asking if people still don’t know Toby Doeden.

Just heard about a push poll that’s being done on Referred Law 21 (The referral of SB201, the landowner bill of rights)

Apparently, they go through a fairly biased spiel, asking people if it would change their vote to know the pipeline is being funded by Chinese communists, etc.  That kind of false & biased silliness. But then they switch gears.

At the end, they ask people to rank their feelings (on a 1-5 ranking basis) about Governor Kristi Noem. They ask about Congressman Dusty Johnson. AND then they finish up by asking about none other than Toby Doeden!!

That one made me laugh out loud. But that tells you who is likely paying for it.

Because there isn’t anyone else asking that question.


17 thoughts on “Is he back already? Push poll asking if people still don’t know Toby Doeden.”

  1. Wait?! Pat is “mad” at Toby because he won’t advertise with him?? lol lol lol lol. Okay Toby. Keep telling yourself that. Go sell some more crappy dodges and have Lizzy rub your back so you can hopefully get some sleep tonight, because the big bad internet sees through your BS! lol lol lol lol

  2. I see Toby was selling his house at Moccasin Creek (Prairiewood). It would not surprise us if he was asked to leave. He is like a nasty parasite anywhere he goes.

  3. Hey Toby, once you realize the only people that like you are your daughter who is just like you, you wife bc she has to(she’s got no other option) and your employees(most of them higher ups in your company) because you pay them. You aren’t even liked in your own hometown. I hope this spineless weasel runs for governor in 2026 and the big boys can tear him down to size and probably crumble his empire.

  4. So let’s call it the bill granting landowners specific protections and guarantees not previously conferred upon them by law. But you’ll probably have an issue with any positive language used in association with 201. Or, the truth, as is living in reality like to call it.

  5. Anyone know if there will be a “Dumpsterfire Doeden” booth at the upcoming Brown County Fair? They could give out buttons, bumper stickers, 4×8 campaign and yard signs for suggested donations. Proceeds could be given to the local food shelf.

    It would be a hit at the fair!

    You could have a dunk tank but instead of a tank be a big dumpster with the trademarked logo on the outside.

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