It’s definitely campaign season. Ex-Republican-Independent-Constitution Party Candidate Lora Hubbel changes party again.

It’s definitely campaign season.

Well, for starters people are sending out announcements. They’re turning in petitions. And today, it looks like Lora Hubbel changed her party registration again:

Over the past few years, Lora has offered herself as a Republican candidate, an Independent candidate, a non-partisan candidate, and as a Constitution party candidate. Coming back to the Republican party likely means she’s starting the round robin all over again, and will probably try to run for something. Until she fails, and will switch parties to run for something else.

(Looking forward to her wrecking the Libertarian party in 2020.)

The last time we heard from Lora, she was promoting a video noting that chemtrails are evidence of the earth being terraformed for alien invaders. And that leaves us to wonder about the declaration she signed at the bottom of the voter registration today:

“I have not been judged mentally incompetent.”

So… “is that judged officially, or can it be by general consensus?”


Tara Volesky is claiming in the comment section that Lora plans on running as an Independent against Republicans for a state legislative seat.  Which, assuming she can get the signatures needed for the ballot, would keep her busy through November.

Where she’s likely to lose again.

In the past Lora has demonstrated that she’s a really lousy campaigner, running a few radio ads, and not much else, so it’s not much of a threat, as much as sideshow entertainment.

15 thoughts on “It’s definitely campaign season. Ex-Republican-Independent-Constitution Party Candidate Lora Hubbel changes party again.”

    1. Pat. you should be so excited, your Republican friend is running as an Independent. We don’t like boring, and that she is not. lol. Have at it. The war is on.

      1. Tara, what office now? If it’s anything statewide, she’s already shown she won’t get on the ballot.

      2. Having a rabid ferret run for office might be entertaining for a bit, but we all know it won’t get elected and it is better if it never does. So goes the story of Hubbel.

  1. Mr. PP, the blogging should say that pretty young Ms. Hubbel has not legally been judged mentally incompetent. She has and is, certainly, insaner than most. Many have proclaimed that. Why, oh why, are all the pretty ones insaner than most of the other ones? Ms. Hubbel is teetering on the brink of institutionalization, where they might not let her go out and blog. That would be a loss to all of us.

    1. You are pretty, too, Mrs. Volesky. Do not let your friend’s beauty and famousness get your self esteem down.

  2. Ms. Volesky is prettier than most and Ms. Hubbel is insaner than most. Two great tastes that taste great together.

  3. With all the leadership and organizational skills she has demonstrated, and legions of admirers, perhaps she should form her own party.

    What would it be called?

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