Jamie Smith prefers the results from the SDSU poll. What does his running mate think?

Oh No!  In light of the Emerson college poll that shows Jamie Smith’s popularity among the electorate underwater, and shows him getting stomped by nearly 20 points, the Democrat candidate for Governor says he likes the results from the SDSU e-mail poll better:

I wonder what Smith’s running mate has to say about South Dakota Universities versus some East Coast elite institution?

I will strongly suggest elite institutions. Despite my own positive experience and my desire for it to not matter, it absolutely does.”

Jennifer Keintz, to the NY Times on which institutions matter more.

5 thoughts on “Jamie Smith prefers the results from the SDSU poll. What does his running mate think?”

  1. No doubt he does.

    And I’m sure Brian Bengs prefers the result from the poll he commissioned that claimed John Thune was only getting 46% of the vote.

  2. His choice for LT Gov did not help him. She is unprofessional and immature for that position.

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