29 thoughts on “John Thune is IN and running!”

    1. He told NBC political analyst Jake Sherman that his announcement would be in South Dakota.

      I guess Twitter is in South Dakota.

    1. The symbolism of who/what Thune really represents in D.C. Not even subliminal.

  1. Great news. Thank you Senator Thine for all you do for South Dakota and being a common sense voice of reason.

  2. Yay, 6 more years of playing the political game instead of caring about South Dakota values! It’s ok, we can continue to be the loveable losers but “statesman” and “political savy”. The Democrats will continue to destroy our country and morality and we just shake our fist and say “wait till we are in power”!

    Thunes love drunk on power, must happen to anyone there after 10 years. I don’t care if he’s an R, at least with a Democrat we know what we are getting. Thune being a conservative has become the same as believing in Santa Clause, you wish he real but then let’s you down when you ultimately get the same big government (underwear) that your parents were going to buy you anyways. Merry Christmas South Dakota!

    1. Didn’t take long for the crazies to start throwing monkey poop. They’re so far right they won’t call themselves Republican. “Heart Broken,” why don’t you go reform the Constitution Party if you’re that unhappy with the people the Republican Party elects.

  3. It was either Senator Thune or bring the nutballs like the ones in the legislature and elevate them to the US Senate. Pretty easy choice there.

  4. Please any Democrat or other who thinks they can represent South Dakota better or more evenly than John has for all of us and how you would improve the stalemate in DC.
    You can punt all day long , but at sometime stopping the runner becomes paramount.

    1. Ya…stopping the runner is paramount. But you still don’t win the game by stopping the runner and then telling the opponent we will let you complete short routes all game long.

    2. A bit cliche’, but such an appropriate metaphor.
      Punting has been a specialty for the D.C. Republican crowd for some time.
      Paul Ryan, McConnell, Thune and Rounds punted even when the party held the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Same as punting from scrimmage on first down without even trying to advance the ball.
      And although it fits so nicely with your cliche’d metaphor, in what way has John Thune “stopped the runner”?
      It is time for change, just like it was in 2004.

      1. And, unfortunately, will win in a landslide. I do not know who I will vote for in the primary, but I am going to change my registration just so I can vote against him. He has become what he was voted in to replace.

  5. To dedicate your life, time and talent to South Dakota is greatly appreciated.
    It is a pleasure to call you Senator and friend! We see many great steps as we go
    into the future!


    that does not mean I don’t think he has blown a career….

    He went from knocking off Daschle superstar to
    What? Ho hum

    What has he accomplished in 18 years? I can’t think of any major legislation he was the prime sponsor on….he always plays it safe which makes no sense when he has endless money and popularity

    He will trounce the third tier candidate as yes running but I predict accomplish very little

    1. Thyme has accomplished the advancement of his own personal power and prestige. He’s now the heir apparent to Mitch McConnell. Did you think his political CAREER was about service?

  7. John Thune was the central person who held his entire caucus plus Manchin and Sinema against busting the filibuster and passings “Build Back Broke.” History will see this single accomplishment as epic.

  8. Regardless of the political affiliation, being in congress is being a gladiator and fending off the lions and tigers, oh my. No doubt Thune, and all others in congress, weigh whether to sacrifice their family lives and their own private lives for what they feel is for the good of the nation. I would highly bet the family, including young grandchildren, would dearly love for him to retire and come home to them. He also has the stable Republicans in congress beseeching him to stay on to accept the baton from McConnell and receive the leadership of the Republican Party to stabilize the helm to a healthy, non-radical state. It is highly likely that with the next election, Republicans will once again be the dominant party and ultimately Thune will oust Schumer for Majority Leader of the Senate. That’s huge for the Republicans & the USA. Vital for the stability of the USA that non-radical Republicans get control. Last thing we need is another January 6!!

  9. Fact: John Thune is smart, articulate, a family man and a Christian. He’s a gentleman and a professional. He has given many floor speeches that are spot on and conservative. Have you heard them?
    John has reasons why he didn’t do what people wished he would do. We don’t know them. He has the experience and is 100% equipped to rise to be a strong leader.

    Plan of Action: Instead of looking back, let’s look forward by encouraging him to stand strong against the destruction of our country. Give him an army behind him to have the strength he needs to make a difference. We’ve earned the right to ask him to do so. It would be worth his time and effort to fight for his and all SD kids and grandkids. Pull together ‘with’ him, encourage and ‘expect’ him to lead more aggressively. At this point there is nothing to lose, except our country. If we don’t pull together ‘with’ him, it will be as much our fault as we say it is his. HE TRULY IS A GOOD MAN. Please think of the devastation of his sweet wife and kids when they read your negative comments. STOP the division & find encouraging words instead…. this is how we defeat the real enemy.
    UNITED we STAND… Divided we WILL FALL.

  10. Who can be a conservative by name but censors free speech like Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube? #Pat

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