Johnson and Colleagues Question Treatment of National Guard

Johnson and Colleagues Question Treatment of National Guard

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) along with 33 of his Republican colleagues demanded better treatment of the National Guard deployed to Washington after it was reported that thousands of Guardsman were kicked out of House and Senate buildings and placed in parking garages. Johnson requested an explanation as to what initiated the abrupt order that forced the National Guard outside and who made the decision.

“On January 21, 2021, the day after the inauguration, it was reported that thousands of Guardsmen were abruptly ordered out of the very buildings they are here to defend and instead placed in parking garages or directed outside in the winter cold,” said the Members.

“While it has since been reported that the situation was relatively short-lived and the Guardsmen have been allowed to return, the inadequate living and working conditions of the National Guard throughout the Capitol Complex are unacceptable.”

Johnson and his colleagues also volunteered their personal offices to be used as needed for as long as the National Guard remains in Washington.

To view the letter, click HERE.


4 thoughts on “Johnson and Colleagues Question Treatment of National Guard”

  1. What actually happened? Capitol Police tells guardsmen don’t be in place X so the unit’s CO sends them to a parking garage for a few hours? If so, at least there wasn’t any sand.

  2. Oh my god they are soldiers and we are getting upset that they had to spend a few hours in the cold? What’s going to happen when, you know, they actually have to go to war? This country is so doomed.

    1. Your being obtuse! Its not about them being in the cold for a few hours, trust me they have stayed in worse but, its the disrespect they are constantly shown yet these clowns in Congress get up and say “oh we love the troops” yet never SHOW they love the troops

      – VA is a joke and a mess, these men and women cannot get the quality care they need
      – We send these guys off to fight battles on behalf of other countries who hate us and then we handcuff them and not allow them to FIGHT. War is messing and it cannot be fought with rules, our enemies do not. This is why we have not won a conflict since WWII, they are all political battles now
      – When they get back the paperwork and bureaucracy to get anything done is ridiculous
      – We FACTUAL have a very long history of treating our troops as less than human beings and citizens
      – We love to send our poor to fight yet the rich never seem to pay their fair share in blood. I bet these clowns would change their minds if their sons were directly on the front line “It ain’t me, it ain’t me I ain’t no senator’s son, son” – Fortunate Son Lyrics

      So its not about whining its about showing some damn respect for our troops and I mean SHOWING it not playing lip service. As former military I get pretty peeved with comments like this. I am assuming you have never served but, maybe you have and if you have you need a reminder of what this is really about

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