Johnson Condemns Hamas Terror Attacks on Israel

Johnson Condemns Hamas Terror Attacks on Israel

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) cosponsored legislation to condemn Hamas in the strongest terms and express unconditional and unwavering support for Israel and its right to defend itself. In the wake of the Hamas acts of terror on Israel, Johnson expressed his support for America’s ally Israel.

“As Hamas continues to commit barbaric violence against innocent Israeli elderly, women, and children, the U.S. House stands nearly united in its support for Israel,” said Johnson. “Americans remain among the missing; the U.S. should remain steadfast in its mission to bring these people home.”

The House Resolution is cosponsored by 414 members of Congress.

Click here for bill text.

9 thoughts on “Johnson Condemns Hamas Terror Attacks on Israel”

  1. I wonder if Dusty would be willing to published a multi-point plan for how to solve the mid east crisis.

    If there is no end in sight, would he be in favor of ending our participation and investing in domestic security (border) and massive investments in US SMB’s?

    2032 can’t come soon enough.

  2. Iran puppet terrorist organization, Hezbollah, which controls what once was Lebonon, is now attacking northern Israel with rockets. CIA believes Iran was not informed by Hamas of its assault on Israel. Iran supports both Hamas and Hezbollah. Hamas is Sunni, Hezbollah is Shiite so that could be possible. Now, Hezbollah and Iran have responded by trying to put Israel into the vise of a two front war.

    1. re:hezbollah – seems like opportunity more than coordination. but again i’m no analyst.

  3. So, Iran gives Hezbollah $100 million a year and the Obama and Biden admins gave Iran over $300 billion. Basically, our government funded the attacks plus God only knows what else. I’m guessing Biden is one of the reasons they had more equipment than necessary. This resolution doesn’t address any of the current governments shortcomings and really doesn’t give any solutions.

    1. the resolution is what it is. if you want your theories and beliefs supported in print, you have to assemble a different document – it’s called a ‘manifesto’

      1. I could care less about theories and beliefs; what I wrote you can find on the net as fact. If you’re unaware of what I wrote, then you probably still think Biden is doing a good job. As a matter of fact, he’s probably doing exactly what the globalist left wants him to do. Then again, reading your posts I don’t believe you mind what he’s doing either. Are you sure you’re not on the wrong site. you’d probably be more comfortable at the Dakota Free Press.

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