Johnson, Spartz Introduce Congressional Gold Medal Bill Recognizing the Defenders of Ukraine

Johnson, Spartz Introduce Congressional Gold Medal Bill Recognizing the Defenders of Ukraine

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) and Victoria Spartz (R-IN), along with 16 bipartisan colleagues introduced the ‘Defenders of Ukraine Congressional Gold Medal Act’. The bill will collectively award the distinguished Congressional Gold Medal (CGM) to the defenders or people of Ukraine, in recognition of their crucial role in the defense of democratic values and against Putin’s aggression.

“The Ukrainian people are truly resilient,” said Johnson. “Despite looking down the barrel of the Russian military, thousands of Ukrainians answered the call to defend their homeland and volunteered to protect their republic. The United States stands behind Ukraine and is opposed to Putin’s act of war – our House Resolution makes that clear.”

“Those fighting for democracy in Ukraine, and for regional security in Europe, deserve this medal,” said Rep. Spartz. “Putin, his generals, and his cronies must know the United States Congress stands firm behind all those fighting against his illegal and unprovoked war in Ukraine.”

The medal would be presented to the democratically elected government of Ukraine on behalf of the Ukrainian people.

The CGM is an award bestowed by Congress and is the highest civilian award in the United States. The decoration is awarded to an individual, or group of individuals, who perform an outstanding deed or act of service for the security, prosperity, and national interest of the United States.

For legislative text, click here.


2 thoughts on “Johnson, Spartz Introduce Congressional Gold Medal Bill Recognizing the Defenders of Ukraine”

  1. Does any American truly understand what the real issue in the Ukraine really is? I mean, this issue goes back to 922 A.D – this involves the 1917 break up and realignment of Eastern Europe, it involves the Bolshivics complete make-over of Russia – they transferred lands that once were part of Russia to Europe. Please read and research the rise and fall of the Boshivics, the rise of Stalin and how they tortured and killed many Russians residing in what became Ukraine today during the 1930’s. Large parts of the country of Ukraine was and is Russian, and not only that, Ukraine has been at the crossroads of conflict, fraud, and abusive government power since its creation, it has played very huge role in dividing Western Economic Policy vs Eastern Economic Policy for more than 100 years now.

    People want to attack Russia for what is is doign in the Ukraine, but completely hide the fact that the American Government did the same in Iraq. Both countries had build up support for each within both Iraq and Ukraine, while both have used military might to control both those countries over the years. I do not see Putin blowing up Hospitals and Civilians intentionally, anymore than we saw American Military campaigns indirectly killing women and children in Iraq.

    Before we judge what another country is doing over seas, which like Donald Trump, is not our war, we should finally understand the origins of the conflict in those countries. Lets remember, many of these policies were born from prior wars and conflicts, the creation of the U.N and the NATO have divided economic policies between foreign countries since their creation, telling one country it cant do this, or that, only creates a rebel. And lastly, placing sanctions on countries just cause you think you can, just cause they may think different than you, is not totally a great strategy either. I think we have seen, that these countries do NOT follow the sanctions one bit, and because of this, “You” are really creating additional conflict in those areas.

    Whether you support Putin or not, I think some of you really need to take a breather, and stop and think of what really has created the conflict in Eastern Europe, and its origins. They go far deeper than just the 1917 end to World War 1, they are like family disputes, they have risen thru time, and I believe the issues related to Ukraine stretch as far back as the Khazars and their little empire they once had long before America became a country. And the issues multiplied over time as the British began to colonize the globe forcing their ideals onto the masses, even where people chose not to adapt to those ideals.

    But then again, because of this hate fest against Russia – you all take the side of Ukraine.

    Look deeper at the problem, and you will find what the problem truly is. So now our “Congressional Delegation” wants to hand out Congressional Medal’s of Honor to foreign people, rather than Americans, that is a strategy you tend to get from a Central Govt who is beholden to “foreign people” and not the American People themselves.

    1. I will side with Ukraine until discussion isn’t being done at the end of the barrel of russiam tanks. And the fact that the US was wrong then doesn’t make Russia right now. Think, for god’s sake.

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