Judge in Life Defense Fund lawsuit: SOS only one who can provide relief

Interesting result in the Life Defense Fund lawsuit, as the judge in the matter has ruled that since the petitions were validated, only the Secretary of State can provide relief at this point:

Pekas ruled that since Dakotans for Health is no longer in control of the ballot measure after the Secretary of State’s Office validated it, the relief that the Life Defense Fund sought — removing the measure from the November ballot — should have been sought from the Secretary of State’s Office, not solely from Dakotans for Health.


“Let the people vote, let the people decide,” Dakotans for Health attorney Jim Leach told reporters after the hearing.

Read that all here.

Life Defense fund had it’s own thoughts in the matter in a release sent today, as Leslee Unruh offered her own legal opinion:

There are no legal grounds for this dismissal as Life Defense Fund clearly followed the appropriate procedures. This unexpected dismissal further plays into their motive to delay our case and refuse to answer our documented allegations. We will follow the judge’s invitation to appeal this case.

Obviously, the judge disagreed.

8 thoughts on “Judge in Life Defense Fund lawsuit: SOS only one who can provide relief”

  1. these lawsuits are a waste of donors’ money. The best way to end abortions is to educate the public on what really transpires during an abortion.
    Show them the videos.
    Science and education are going to win this debate, not lawsuits.

  2. “further plays into their motive to delay our case and refuse to answer our documented allegations”

    If you’d stop saying shit like that, we’d all try to take you seriously. But you can’t, so we won’t.

  3. There is no easier grift than uneducated right wingers. Hansen is laughing all the way to the bank.

  4. Please send in more donations so we can pay Mr. Hansen to file an appeal for a lawsuit he’s going to lose. Their press releases and frivolous lawsuits don’t write themselves!

  5. Good. Life Defense Fund needs to switch their focus to swaying voters rather them trying to stop them from voting.

  6. it would be better for the cause if the legislature spent some of that $80 million surplus to pay for emergency contraception for rape victims.
    The cops are already carrying Narcan, right? The cops can supply other medications. So if a woman calls the police, or shows up at a station, and reports a rape, the Levonorgestrel is free. The cops give it to her. She wouldn’t have to go to a hospital unless she wanted to, she would just have to report the crime.

    The publicity such a measure would generate would blow out the arguments about rape victims needing abortions, and would drive the proponents of the amendment out of their minds.

    1. Although it sounds great turning police into healthcare professionals and judge/jury on the spot, but this will not fill up our new prison. We won’t be spending $1B on a new prison for it to sit empty. The women can be put in prison, we all know that is the quiet part out loud, but why else are we building such a large and expensive facility. We can never have enough prisoners, they can work for political donors for nearly free, or build something to sell to us through government taxes for crazy high prices ($19K podium, $13K desks, etc.). Nobody has laundered money like the SD criminal justice system since the 70’s era mafia, we can’t lose it, or I mean the political donors can’t lose it.

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