Just the facts. Or at least the facts we choose to disclose, except the important one…

Had a long-time reader just point this out.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one:

Police say a Sioux Falls man was arrested Tuesday morning after attempting to rob a bank in the southwestern part of the city.


The Argus Leader is not naming the man at this time because the court case is currently not one this news outlet would follow through trial. If major developments unfold, we will update accordingly.

Read it here.

So, the identity of the person arrested for attempting to rob a bank is not pertinent to the story?  That’s just nuts. I think that’s a HUGE part of the story.

Way to phone it in, Argus.

22 thoughts on “Just the facts. Or at least the facts we choose to disclose, except the important one…”

    1. Interesting that Kelo and other media named him and showed his face. The Argus appears to be protecting people based on race.

      1. Over the last five years or so, it seems like I can’t talk to any of my fellow Republicans without the issue of race arising. Especially BLM. I usually ask them these questions…

        What color was the man who was responsible for over 40 million deaths in WW2? What race butchered Native Americans? And what race is Vladimir Putin?

        White men enslaved millions of black human beings in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries… for profit… and we wonder why they might not see capitalism the same way we do.

        Let’s try to keep things in perspective.

        1. Kind of left the part out that slavery was the business of the Arabs and that other African leaders participated in the capture and selling of other African.

          You also conveniently left out the part that the actions of Hamas are being supported by BLM. So when an organization has those kind of values, you see fault in questioning them?

          1. BLM consists of millions of people with many different views. And I figured one of you would get defensive on the slavery question. Congratulations… that’s you.

              1. But, but, but… other people did horrible things too!

                No, you don’t get to deflect culpability for American slavery onto others. Why would you want to?

                1. So you only believe in telling half the truth…what a surprise.

                  Noticed you have yet to try to defend BLM support of the baby murderers…

  1. I think if I was in the Legislature right now I would draft a bill to allow local governments to post their legal notifications online. The corporate owned woke newspapers are not really serving the public any more.

    1. Not the worst idea. I bet if we did a little research, the general public has greater access to the internet than newspapers.

    2. All the more reason to declare the internet a utility so consumers can have protections. It’s already extremely subsidized so we should have some say.

  2. From the Argus article… “The man was given money from the cashier, and then “wandered inside the building,” according to the release, before customers detained him as police arrived.”

    I wouldn’t assume that it was his race that concerned the Argus.

  3. he robbed the bank, wandered around inside, had no weapons.
    Could be mentally ill/challenged or otherwise not competent to stand trial

  4. A 39 year old white male, Matthew Timoney, was arrested for the crime. Kelloland show his face and disclosed his name.

  5. Pat should have posted this information as part of his reporting. That was irresponsible of him to bring attention to the strange reporting of the Argus without clarifying the matter himself.

    1. What?! Pat just said the Argus is dialing it in. Seriously. That’s all Pat said. The irresponsibility is yours. You are the one putting words in Pat’s mouth. You drew your own conclusions!

  6. Pat’s story was about the Argus. Not his job to report about the robbery. Seems like it is the job for the Argus. Just strange that a newspaper won’t name names when arrests are made.

  7. Based on what is coming from this situation, it is likely a mentally disturbed person who was looking for a place to stay over winter or hit rock bottom. It’s not the big scary armed bank robbery that news outlets would rather follow. I’m not sure why they would even point that out though and just leave it off. Similar to when they report on shootings that end up being suicides. They just don’t report on it after the initial article.

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