KELO Radio also writing about the Democrats financial failures

Todd Epp over at KELO Radio has a story about the financial problems that are plaguing South Dakota Democrats as they play the blame game:

One elected officeholder who is a Democrat said the previous regime who was involved in putting the party in its current position said they should “each kick in a few thousand dollars” to help fix the situation.


However, the Democrat’s rivals, the S.D. Republican Party, said they think they know why their competitors are in poor shape financially.

“I’m not sure why these issues come as a shock to the Democrat party, as current state Democrat treasurer Bill Nibbelink has been in charge of signing the reports on their financial condition as he has since the year 2000,” SDGOP chair Dan Lederman said in a statement.

Lederman said the Democrats were trying to deflect responsibility.

Read it all here.

I find it amazing that they’re tryin to lay blame n the people who were in charge of the party before when some of the same people are still there. It’s as if taking responsibility for their own actions is an alien concept.

3 thoughts on “KELO Radio also writing about the Democrats financial failures”

  1. Has the time and place for the funeral been announced yet? Will Living Blue South Dakota lead the procession followed by a special appearance by the out of state name callers?

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