Kristi for Governor Campaign Launches New Ad: “Dream On”

Kristi for Governor Campaign Launches New Ad: “Dream On”

 SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA – Today, the Kristi for Governor campaign launched a new ad, “Dream On,” which details what Jamie Smith could do on his first day as Governor if given the opportunity to enact his liberal agenda.

“Imagine what I [Jamie Smith] could do on my first day as Governor,” the ad dreams. “Taxes, I’ll raise them. Girls’ sports, open them up to men. Vaccine mandates, done. Guns, we’ll take them. But I definitely won’t do anything about illegal immigrants. My buddy, Joe, will be pretty proud of me.”

Every extremist policy position included in the ad is consistent with Jamie Smith’s voting record. To find more information on that record, visit

“Jamie Smith is too extreme for South Dakota,” said Ian Fury, Communications Director at Kristi for Governor. “The people of South Dakota deserve a governor who will defend our South Dakota way of life and stand up to Joe Biden’s liberal agenda – and they have that in Governor Kristi Noem.”


33 thoughts on “Kristi for Governor Campaign Launches New Ad: “Dream On””

    1. it has been sad to see. the reliance on distorted misquotes says “win at all costs” and even if you support the governor, who needs this kind of game playing when you’re so proud of your own message? it sends a very mixed message to anyone who isn’t a deep state conservative.

      1. you looked up the future actions of Jamie smith if elected governor. really did you now. sounds like you jumped the gun on recreational mushrooms.

      2. Even assuming he wanted to, he literally would not have the power to do those things. All of it takes legislative action.

  1. “Every extremist policy position included in the ad is consistent with Jamie Smith’s voting record.”

    Wow. I have never seen a Republican in South Dakota be this deceitful. In an interview where Smith talks about eliminating the grocery tax and replacing a small part of it with marijuana taxes… she deliberately mangles his statement to mean the opposite. She claims that he will “raise” taxes in ad after nauseating ad. On top of that, she now has THE SAME VIEWS as Jamie Smith on those issues.

    The Good Ol’ Boy Network in Pierre may have been booted four years ago. But she replaced it with something worse.

  2. When you can not campaign on your own accomplishments and integrity you make false attacks on your opponent

  3. What gets me is how she says im such a christian and then does everything against christian values

  4. Is she running up the score? Why run negative ads when she is up 20%?

    She has so much to run on positively.

    1. If we lived in a purple state she’d lose in a landslide

      Registration advantage will save her…but worst Republican governor i have ever seen

        1. 3rd? Not likely. Pretty sure Pat just posted that not too long ago and she didn’t even break 20.

          1. “Pretty sure”? Where does Jamis Smith rank in the legislature. I’m “pretty sure” it is at the bottom.

  5. This is really well done. I’m not sure if this is b-roll footage from Smith himself or a stunt double.

    Negative attacks work. That’s why they do them.

  6. Putting words in his mouth. This is about the third ad in a row that does it. NOTHING in that ad… is true.

    I voted for Thune and Dusty Johnson. In my entire life, I have voted for only a few Democrats. But I couldn’t wait to vote against her.

    1. ~ But I couldn’t wait to vote against her. ~

      Your subliminal message says it all. You are voting against Noem instead of voting for the loser Smith.

      He offers nothing but ‘raise taxes on more items’

      And yet he says he wants to remove taxes on food.

      1. Kristi “says” she wants to remove taxes on food too, but he actually tried to do it. Several times. Then Kristi says… oops, sorry – I don’t have the votes to do it.

        Watch what she does. You can’t trust what she says.

  7. The Trump style of campaigning never was and never will be “cute”. It makes the candidate look stupid.

  8. Fearmongering is routinely used in psychological warfare for the purpose of influencing a target population. The tactics often involves defamation of an enemy by means of smear campaigns. It is a form of MANIPULATION. Signed, a Republican that will no longer be voting for Noem.

  9. We have to hold our own Republicans accountable. If they stoop to this level of deception and get away with it, the party will inevitably become corrupt. It can get far worse than an instance of nepotism or using a state plane for personal travel. When they lie like this so openly on television, they will almost certainly lie to an individual in private.

    She may win, but it won’t be with my vote. Kristi Noem deserves to be defeated.

    1. ~ . If they stoop to this level of deception and get away with it, the party will inevitably become corrupt. ~

      The Democrat party is already there.

  10. Not the stunt double, but Jamie Smith himself doesn’t look very healthy. Shouldn’t he release his medical records. I’m not sure we should have an overweight man who could have heart problems or type 2 diabetes? The Democrats don’t seem to have much transparency…as usual.

    1. So you are a doctor as well? Maybe Noem should release why she had back surgery and is still flitting around. America is so f-kupped because of trumpy people like you. ‘UHeep’ of you know what, sounds about right.

  11. Truth is, Smith will have a very difficult time getting anything through the highly Republican Legislature who will torpedo anything he proposes and will put plenty of veto worthy proposed laws on his desk. Then, if he chooses to veto, they will override. Anything Smith gets through will require a great deal of work across the aisle to find allies for particular measures and carefully craft bills that appeal to both sides of the aisle. Jamie Smith will have to work very, very hard when he is Governor.

    1. Welcome to the point of checks and balances. SD citizens would be better off with more democrats keeping the republican crazies at bay. Red or blue, absolute power breeds corruption and we all lose.

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