24 thoughts on “Kristi Noem pro-life Campaign postcard in mail”

  1. So the poll is out, and apparently Sutton has dropped 4 points. Will continue to drop as people become aware of his Hillary love.

  2. Yep, if a Republican starts playing the abortion card, then you really don’t need a poll to prove that this is a 50/50 race…..

    “…..Do we have the footage, yet, of a guy dressed in doctor’s whites, wearing a black cowboy hat, while sitting in a wheel chair and performing an abortion?…… We must get on that one ASAP!…..”

  3. Like Dems when they play the race, sex, etc…card? Can you please tell me of a pro life candidate that has EVER had a fundraiser sponsored by PP? Sutton just sat there and said its not true when we have all seen the video? Its like the Wizard of Oz. Pay no attention to the pro life guy at the PP fundraiser!

    1. Planned Parenthood provides affordable contraception to millions of men and women, but the abortion- obsessed far right never mentions that. .
      If the right wing spent as much time and money on educating people on birth control there would be less abortions to begin with.
      In this day and age it is extremely easy to not get pregnant to begin with but the GOP focus is always on ostracizing women for having abortions. It’s a bit hypocritical. I have used PP services for contraception services and was very impressed with the affordability and treatment I got there. I suppose I will be called a slut though for stepping into the place. That’s the way the SD GOP abortion-obsessed people are.

      1. Planned Parenthood provides affordable contraception to millions of men and women,
        “So do thousands of pharmacies”

        but the abortion- obsessed far right never mentions that.
        “Kinda like PP never mentioning their lucrative abortion services?”
        If the right wing spent as much time and money on educating people on birth control there would be less abortions to begin with.
        “Aren’t the left-wingers in charge of local school boards, for the most part?”

        In this day and age it is extremely easy to not get pregnant to begin with
        “Yup, so abortion for convenience is just not right ”

        but the GOP focus is always on ostracizing women for having abortions.
        “Taking innocent life for convenience should be condemned.”

        It’s a bit hypocritical. I have used PP services for contraception services and was very impressed with the affordability and treatment I got there. I suppose I will be called a slut though for stepping into the place.
        “Here comes the victim card.”

        That’s the way the SD GOP abortion-obsessed people are.
        “I am obsessed with people killing for convenience.”

        1. I guess Noem is hoping if she keeps lying enough about Billy not being pro-life then people will believe it.

          1. He only received one A, rest of the years were Bs and Cs. He’s not as pro-life as he says he is… Hard to get the proof to stick when he lies right during a debate…

    2. And, how do we make sense of the claim that pro-life politicians want to take away women’s reproductive rights? Sutton is somehow the exception? He’s personally pro-life, but wouldn’t prohibit a woman from choosing abortion? Would he sign a pro-life bill if given the opportunity? Would he sign a pro-abortion bill?

      Leftist logic.

      1. What I’m trying to say is PP is not all bad, it has provided millions of people birth control to avoid having an unwanted pregnancy.

        1. So, if you are saying PP is not ALL bad, then because it provides abortions, you are implying it is part bad?

  4. Billie says he’s pro-life. Kristi can’t win on this one.
    She is so defensive, it’s laughable.
    Couldn’t respond to one question in the debate, without naming Billie. Ugh…

    1. When Democrats lie repeatedly, it’s probably a smart idea for her campaign to call it out. Like she said “If He really believed everything he says he believes he would be Republican.” Planned Parenthood doesn’t host fundraisers for pro lifers.

  5. After the debate, most people I talk with are saying that Sutton is likable while Kristi seems mean spirited and tacky.

    1. Nothing, but being unlikable can hurt one’s electoral chances. Kristi is unlikable. It was one thing when she was running against that stuff Jackley; he made her look good. However, Kristi’s personality and demeanor do not compare favorably vs Sutton.

  6. Jenny,

    Those things PP “provides” can be procured at any pharmacy since it is mandated by Obamacare and any public health clinic. I will make a clear unequivocal statement- I think Planned Parenthood are murderers and not any better than Nazis at a death camp. Yes, I know using Nazi is usually hyperbolic. I want to stress I think every one of their clinics is a death camp. Am I clear?

  7. Troy, PP provides affordable birth control. May I stress that again,affordable birth control. I understand you are onthe far right on this But many independents and moderate Republicans are not as extreme as you are.I’m just saying.

    1. Birth control in addition to baby killing services.

      That’s like praising Hitler for the Volkswagen & autobahn.

  8. Jenny, if one is poor, they can get free BC at a public clinic. Otherwise it is covered by insurance. Your argument is like said above or praising the mafia for their code. They are murderers.

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