Kyle Peters handily defeats opponents in Watertown City Election, blows out incumbent Colin Paulsen who sued Watertown over campaign signs.

In the Watertown city elections that took place this week, newcomer Kyle Peters smashed the competition, including incumbent Colin Paulsen, who ended up bringing in the rear:

In Ward B, Kyle Peterson won a three-way race over former councilman Jason Redemske and incumbent Councilman Colin Paulsen. Peters finished with 361 votes. Redemske had 146. Paulsen was third with 105.

Peters is the son-in-law of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

In Ward E, Lynn Jurrens defeated Jason Buechler 276-207.

Read the entire story here.

If you recall, Paulsen who trailed in this weeks’ city election at 17% of the vote was the candidate that the hard right put up to challenge State Senate President Pro Tem Lee Schoenbeck in the 2022 District 5 Senate Primary. Only receiving 41% of the vote in that election, he later sued the city of Watertown, claiming the lack of sign ordinance enforcement hurt his election chances.

While the court case appears to be dragging on in limbo as “pending” at the moment (according to state records), as a candidate, Paulsen’s political career seems to have had a definite ending point on Tuesday night.

10 thoughts on “Kyle Peters handily defeats opponents in Watertown City Election, blows out incumbent Colin Paulsen who sued Watertown over campaign signs.”

  1. Kyle is a bright young man that ran a positive campaign. We are fortunate in Watertown to have quality people like Kyle, and a Lynn Jurrens that won the other contested seat, to give us a dynamic City Council.

  2. *Peters is the son-in-law of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.”

    Another political success for Govemor Noem’s family. That’s really got to chap the backside of the little propaganda minister CAH. Hey Cory, I suggest Desitin. It worked well for my kid’s diaper rash.

  3. A lot of whining over at the Cory’s chronically impaired commenters blog. The self claimed savior of South Dakota’s Democratic Party out of state name caller & conspiracy nut Larry Kurtz performs mental gymnastics wondering why any Democrats remain in the state. Cry me a river.

    1. Yeah agree. They are a serious liability to the state ever having a viable two party system.

  4. The vastness of the real estate placed in the vacuous void between the ears of the initial Anonymous commenter(s) in this post;
    All occupied by a guy who writes another blog.
    Rent free!

  5. OH MY! Such an original comment! How will we recover after such a verbal body shot?

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