Luke Lindberg part of RNC panel with Gov. Joni Ernst, Senators Norm Coleman, Mitch McConnell

Looks like South Dakota’s Luke Lindberg is part of an impressive panel today in Milwaukee for the International Republican Institute during the Republican National Convention with Senators Joni Ernst, Norm Coleman, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, former SBA Administrator Linda McMahon, and other familiar names.

Nice to see South Dakota is at the table and it sounds like our state’s delegation has the opportunity to attend and listen in.

Find out more about the International Republican Institute here.

12 thoughts on “Luke Lindberg part of RNC panel with Gov. Joni Ernst, Senators Norm Coleman, Mitch McConnell”

      1. Iowa is my home state prior to moving to SD 8 years ago. 10 years ago i was working in the 2014 election cycle that saw iowa swing right. That was a great time!

  1. The ones I am watching are Luke Lindberg, Kyle Peters, and (someday) Max Mickelson. Our party had a great group of potential leaders out there, and I hope they step up sooner rather than later when opportunities present themselves.

        1. Haha. Crabtree has way more name recognition and many more accomplishments. Luke would need a pile of money to overcome that. Most people in this state would have no idea who Luke is.

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