Majority of SDEA pro-education endorsements go to Republican State Legislative candidates

In what might be a rare occurrence, SD-EPIC, the political action committee for SDEA, the state teacher’s association has endorsed more Republicans than Democrats this election, declaring them “pro-public education recommended state legislative candidates” as published in a recent issue of the SDEA Educator’s Advocate:

Of 51 endorsees from an education group which has historically endorsed far more Democrats, in the 2022 election 31 of the endorsees are Republican.

Interestingly, I note that several of those endorsed are anticipated to potentially serve in leadership roles in both the House and the Senate, including 2 of the 3 current contenders for Speaker of the House (Hugh Bartels and Jess Olson), Will Mortenson who is said to be running for House Majority Leader and Taylor Rehfeldt who is said to be running for Assistant House Majority Leader. In the Senate, we’re also seeing anticipated leadership in Lee Schoenbeck (President Pro Tempore) & Casey Crabtree (Running for Majority Leader). It also includes Kyle Schoenfish, Jim Bolin, David Wheeler & Helene Duhamel who are said to be running for whip positions.

5 thoughts on “Majority of SDEA pro-education endorsements go to Republican State Legislative candidates”

  1. It would seem that someone over at SDEA has figured out that being an adjunct of the State Democratic Party doesn’t work to well when there are 11 Democrats out of 105 legislative seats. A politically wise move on their part.

  2. This isn’t meaningful to me.

    Drilling-down to separate the wolves in Republican clothing would be important to understanding the union’s agenda in supporting one candidate over another.

    Just because someone is an “R” in SD doesn’t mean they are pro America, conservative, and/or capable of leading in our state.

  3. Jim Bolin getting endorsed is an embarrassment. That two-faced schmuck is a good part of the reason for the currently social studies debacle.

  4. I think they’ve finally figured out that a lot of their supporters run as Repubs because they know that’s how they’ll get elected. Over the years I’ve known a lot of legislators wearing black name tags who would comfortably fit in the Democrat realm, but whose districts are too staunchly red to elect them.

    1. So someone that supports educators, kids, and public education automatically isn’t conservative? Sounds like an uneducated assumption. No pun intended.

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