Marty Jackley Ad – Washington has changed Congresswoman Noem

That was fast!  The Marty Jackley campaign has responded to the Kristi Noem Campaign commercial, and issued their own commercial claiming Washington has changed Congresswoman Noem:

As always, let us know what you think!

40 thoughts on “Marty Jackley Ad – Washington has changed Congresswoman Noem”

    1. Somebody needs to take his own advice from four years ago:

      “As soon as we went negative, our volunteers evacuated,” said Jason Glodt, who worked for the Barnett campaign and is now with Mr. Rounds.

  1. Is it just me or is this counter punch a lot more mean than the initial hit? Reminding folks that she broke her campaign promises is not exactly positive.

    1. Except that most of that stock footage was from her speaking at various events related to tax reform becoming law – a campaign pledge she kept.

  2. Considering Jackley has only held office as attorney General and has no perspective on how Congress, let alone our own Legislature works, him saying Kristi didn’t fulfill campaign promises shows his blatant disregard for our system of Government. Gonna attack Trump for not building the wall next Marty? Cant exactly pull the right strings to manipulate the system so easily… Maybe being a lawyer his whole professional life has made him forget.

    1. Booker’s debt went up. That’s why she ran 9 years ago, right? “Understand” federal government or not, That means she failed.

    2. Trump will probably do it. Congresswoman noem wouldnt go within 100 miles of Trump before he was elected.

      Noem takes credit for everything trump does. I just want her to do what she said she would 8 years ago.

  3. Noem’s Friends in Washington:

    1) Boehner
    2) Cantor
    3) Ryan
    4) Arron Schock
    5) McConnell

  4. Hypocrite. No negative he says. Play a victim at every turn but go as hard negative as anyone. Make up your mind.

    1. This isn’t nearly as negative as Noem’s. She attacked his character. Jackley pointed out that she hasn’t done what she said she would do.

      She is seriously desperate.

    2. To paraphrase Jason Glodt: “South Dakota is going to see the true character of Attorney General Jackley when his negative ads hit the airwaves. His poll numbers are in a freefall and he’s convinced the only path to the nomination is to throw mud at South Dakota’s trusted congresswoman.”

    3. I agree this is a negative ad. Jackley made a pledge to do a positive campaign. I do not agree he is a hypocrite in making this ad. If I promise to come to a meeting and not shoot anybody and someone else comes and starts shooting, it is probably not breaking my promise if I shoot back.

  5. The Gnomers don’t like the taste of their own medicine. That’s pretty funny.

    1. How do you figure? It’s been Marty’s folks – not Kristi’s – constantly trolling the War College for the past few months, pretending to be offended at any perceived slight.

      It’s pretty clear they’re under Marty’s orders to act indignant under each and every circumstance.

      Not a good look.

    1. I don’t think that means a thing. Even a far left nut job like Elton John will play for the wedding of the great El Rushbo for enough money.

      1. I agree…voice over people go to whomever pays them…who was it even? Total inside baseball

    1. No chance. He can keep that cowboy hat glued to his head but it won’t convince enough people to vote Demo.

  6. This unquestionably breaks Jackley’s positive campaign pledge. He’s lied to all South Dakotans.

    1. shocker…said no one ever….

      Pierre needs cleaning and we don’t need the insider from pierre

  7. I never think the split ads of negative then positive are effective, they emphasize who is attacking in my opinion…pick negative or positive but not both

  8. Sleaziest campaign tactic in the book. Sign a “clean campaign pledge” and break it multiple times all the while victimizing yourself as ‘being attacked’ despite flinging mud at your opponent. The people don’t care about your white horse when it’s kicking mud everywhere.

  9. Wow, how fast. It’s almost like he had it ready go to.

    How’s that clean campaign pledge going?

  10. Yeah Noem hit first and Marty has every right to defend himself. Kristi is going to lose and her staff is commenting here and getting their resumes updated at the same time.

  11. No chance. He can keep that cowboy hat glued to his head but it won’t convince enough people to vote Demo.

  12. The difference between the negative ads is that the EB-5 issue is true and still unsolved. Jackley’s attack ad is not based on facts whatsoever. Nothing coming from Jackley’s campaign is based on fact, but rather fiction. The one fact is he “really WANTS to be governor”. Being raised on a farm, owning a business, making himself look as though he’s had experience in education, the medical field, you name it, is misleading at best. He’s not taken ONE VOTE as a legislator or congressman, NONE. He’s all talk, but will not talk about the ONE thing he is…..a slick lawyer. The dems are commenting heavily here because they want Jackley to win, so Sutton can become governor.

  13. I think this is a bad ad. Kristi is not a Queen. She is not responsible for those items not being accomplished. This is a democratic republic. We also have a Senate and Presidency. She is not a Senator and is not President.

    However, Kristi thinks she is running for Queen. And is not happy Marty wants to stop here from putting on the crown.

  14. So Mr. Jackley drags his feet on DCI agent in Aberdeen getting Sexuallyl harassed. . She was offered to move to Pierre. She is the wife of State Rep Kaiser. They have kids in Aberdeen schools. Why would that even be considered. Case ended up in front of Judge Charles Kornmann because the state would nt resolve it. Finally case was settled for 1.5 million. Read the Argus Lead story for further details.. Mr Jackley sure likes to get himself in a lot of trouble. Maybe he and former Sioux Falls Mayor Huether should go into business together. They think alike.

  15. Rep. Trey Gowdy clearly doesn’t agree with Marty’s statement. The below direct quote and link is from Rep. Gowdy’s visit to Rapid City last year.

    “The Kristi Noem that I met in orientation, is the exact same Kristi Noem that just spoke to you. Nothing has changed. You notice how she started by giving an update on her family? That’s Kristi Noem. Her faith, her family, her love for South Dakota. It is rare in my line of work, that people would not change over the course of seven years.”

    1. Wow nice find Cinder….if I were her I’d be running this commercial this last week also at least on facebook

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