Maybe epic isn’t the word Carl would use for it anymore?

State Rep. Carl Perry on September 11:

News on Sept 20…

Maybe epic isn’t the word that Carl wants to use anymore?

(Maybe Carl is starting to have second thoughts about attending….?)

19 thoughts on “Maybe epic isn’t the word Carl would use for it anymore?”

  1. I would be curious to hear if refunds are going to be issued to the few that might have purchased tickets? Hope The District got a large non-refundable deposit from Toby.

  2. Brandei is promoting this event on her page.
    Those that took over the party up in Aberdeen along with the District 3 and 1 team may all be going to this NAZI rally.

    Will they all publicly condemn Doeden for what he is, represents and give back the campaign donations along with completely disassociate themselves from him and his PAC? They have to give back all the money!

    Will they all dismiss it as fake news and attend the rally? If so, will they will wear the brown shirts and swastikas to the rally or change into them once they get inside?

      1. If SD would have allowed mobile sports wagering, I woulda put $50 she won’t be alone, I’d also parlay it with showing up with District 1 House candidate so they can just carpool home together….. not the greatest payout with it being so obvious, but a damn near lock for a winning ticket…. But it’s not legal 🤷‍♂️

        Honestly, they seem like the type to carpool to Pierre together, then double charge the state on miles and hotel rooms, while complaining about all the free loaders…

    1. Of course they’ll call it false news. To do otherwise would require a spine, something no one associating with Lord Lardass of Aberdeen has yet to display.

  3. Otherwise we should demand these candidates withdraw from their races and substitute those who were in the primary for example that were not associated with Doeden.


  4. Dakota First Action, because of the price of the tickets, will legally have to disclose each person who purchases them. That’s not a list I would want to be on. Then again, Dakota First Action and Toby don’t belive that Campaign Finance laws apply to them.

  5. A) the super awesome, and oh so intelligent, “D3 team” won’t go – they’re all too cheap for that!

    B) I guess maybe they will go – seeings that they are totally beholden to bow down to DumpsterDoeden after he became their campaign machine.
    It will be interesting to see how all those “favors” get called in when they’re in Pierre…

  6. Perry notes in his comments under this post that he “would not miss it(the event)”
    So I take that to mean he will be attending. That’s not a great look – but pretty on par for Perry.

  7. Carl comments on this post that “he wouldn’t miss it”

    Carl is reason number 1 why open primaries in South Dakota are needed. Bigger turnout and he loses to Katie.

  8. Evidently this will be a “Coming Out” rally where they can finally be their authentic selves being full fledged NAZIS?

    Rest assured there will most likely be video and photos documenting who will be attending this rally and inside to record speeches, conversations and reactions.

  9. Surprise….South Dakota Conservatives won’t spend $250 hard earned dollars to eat soggy chicken and canned peas while someone they’ve never heard of tells them how to vote. They know how to vote. They wouldn’t spend 250 bucks to see a reincarnated Elvis Presley, with Ann Margaret and Raquel Welch.

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