Maybe the pillow guy symposium wasn’t a good idea? Maybe?

Looks like Mike Lindell, the pillow guy is in the news again as people are deciding that he’s as popular as Bud Light about now.

The MyPillow CEO is auctioning off company equipment after major retailers such as Walmart dropped his products due to his wild election conspiracy theories.


He continues to stand by his debunked claims, insisting that machines were used to steal the election and filing an endless series of lawsuits, including one he claimed was “a class-action lawsuit against all machines.”

Read it all here

Maybe the pillow guy symposium wasn’t such a good idea?

17 thoughts on “Maybe the pillow guy symposium wasn’t a good idea? Maybe?”

    1. Even if he’s fringe and a bit nuts I don’t understand why corporations drop products like this over political reasons.

      I’m not a fan of these political times where products get boycotted because of political views.

      If you like Ben and Jerry’s eat it.

      If you like my pillow by it.

      If you like bud light drink it.

      It’s America and we should be able to have political views and disagree and still get along.

  1. A brave man who stands up for what he believes.

    Right or wrong, we need more people to stand up for what is right. without being destroyed by leftists.

    1. “Right or wrong, we need to stand up for what is right….”

      So…. even when you are wrong, you’re right? Or did you just have a brain fart?

      1. Two parts of a sentence, first part Mike might be right or wrong, second part WE need to stand up for what we believe is right. Just like he is doing. He thinks he is right and stands for it. You hide behind an anonymous name.

        And lastly, brains don’t fart, except in leftists.

        1. And despite standing up for what he believes he is right, he is dead wrong. You know you are arguing for moral relativism here, right? That “right” is what we feel is right, truth be damned?

          And I’m not a liberal or leftist. You can keep refusing to think by shrugging off critique, but that’s your issue.

          1. “And I’m not a liberal or leftist”

            Exactly what a liberal leftist would say.

  2. He lost all credibility with me when he interviewed Taffy Howard and believed all her lies.

  3. It seems the solution is to boycott WalMart until they bring back My Pillow. Lindell is fighting back in his ads saying he is upgrading his manufacturing as the new My Pillow II is selling like hot cakes. He says he needs to expand his pillow manufacturing and is selling off his side lines (sheets, slippers etc.) to give him more manufacturing space. It’s time for his followers to step up to the plate: Let WalMart know you’re done shopping there until they bring back My Pillow and get on your computer and buy several My Pillow II direct from Mike.

    1. Why? He behaved like an unhinged lunatic and people stopped doing business with him. Why is that wrong?

    2. sheesh i can’t tell the sarcasm from the serious on this one. i think that “anti-Midas-touch” comment is pretty on-the-mark though.

  4. just because he has strange ideas seems like an odd reason for retailers to stop selling very good pillows, which happen to be the closest to a real down-filled pillow I have encountered. Still not as good as down, but if you have never had a down filled pillow you won’t know the difference.
    It is his advertising which is really annoying.
    If nobody knew him as the irritating My Pillow Guy, if he had not associated his politics with his product, he wouldn’t be having these problems. We have no idea of the political beliefs of the people who produce most of the products we use, and that’s a good thing.

    1. “Strange ideas” buries the lede. He actively worked to spread misinformation that several posters on this hallowed site believe. The Secretary of State, the person in charge of South Dakota’s election process, believes it too. It’s far more dangerous than you let on, and many people were correctly upset about his nonsense. Actions have consequences. If there is still a market for his product, I am sure he’ll be fine.

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