Minnehaha County GOP slaps at County Auditor, County Commissioners for not attending dinner

The Minnehaha County GOP took a few moments out of their day to swat at some of their elected officials who, like most Republican elected officials in the State and County, skipped the GOP event helmed by R. Shawn Tornow:

“..those of us working on the team at our GOP Office – along with what we trust the Minnehaha County Auditor and/or Minnehaha County Commissioners would have similarly encouraged if they would’ve been there on Saturday.. “

They can’t even get through a run-on sentence without attacking their own officeholders.

8 thoughts on “Minnehaha County GOP slaps at County Auditor, County Commissioners for not attending dinner”

  1. Let us hope that the Insurgents are turned away, soundly defeated, in tomorrows election. It is an important election, for our Party and our State. Vote for a return to sanity.

  2. Curious if the fire department was called for the dumpsterfire at the Dinner. Wrong logos and identification were on the event big screen.

  3. Why didn’t he call out Vice-ChairJennifer Foss and State Committeeman Tom Pischke who also boycotted the event.

    1. I believe Jennifer showed up at the end with Tessa Schwan.
      I could be wrong though.

  4. Having a LDD the weekend before the primary is just a really bad idea to begin with. People are busy.
    Candidates want to be out campaigning. Volunteers want to be out volunteering. Nobody wants to sit in a room doing nothing for hours when there’s work to be done in the real world!

    I remember when Dave Roetman made that mistake back in 2018. (Of course, he also made the mistake of bankrupting the Party, but that’s another issue. ) Just goes to show: if you don’t know history, you’re doomed to repeat it.

    1. So when Kristi announces she’s running for US Senate which dinner will she he announcing at?

    2. why not call them out? these are the people, the members of the county central committee, who elected the current county officers to the state central committee.
      Having elected a board of yahoos to those positions, they should be on hand to share in the humiliation. They have earned it.

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