Mitchell Republican Lincoln Day Dinner charging $50 a head to hear from Chris Karr?

From Facebook comes some advertising from the Davison County Republicans that I was not expecting this Friday night:

The Davison County GOP is having their upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner.. in September… featuring their keynote speaker, State Representative Chris Karr from Sioux Falls.. touting him as the person “who passed the largest tax cut in state history.”  Ooookay. Because there was no one else involved with that?  Like other legislators? The Governor?

Was there no one available from Brookings to speak that they had to go to Sioux Falls?

You know, if only there was a statewide elected official from around Mitchell. But that might mean supporting someone who actually lives in the community…

9 thoughts on “Mitchell Republican Lincoln Day Dinner charging $50 a head to hear from Chris Karr?”

  1. It’s disheartening to see the Davison County Republican Party choosing a speaker like Chris Karr for their Lincoln Day Dinner. It’s clear that they don’t understand that the majority of the community isn’t interested in hearing from someone with such extreme views. This decision reflects poor leadership and a lack of awareness about what truly builds and unites our party. It’s unfortunate that they’re not focusing on what resonates with the broader base, and this event risks being a missed opportunity to bring people together.

    This is just bad leadership.

  2. There is zero evidence, zero, that Mr. Einstein said that misquote about insanerism and doing the same thing over and over. It is, however, no doubt the insanest thing of them all if people actually pay money to listen to young puffed-up Mr. Karr speak. He goes far beyond being puffed up with hisownself and insaner than most. Yes, grudznick said “puffed up.”

  3. It would be a good opportunity for the new District 20 candidate to be promoted. Will she even be able to attend? Or is it too far away?

  4. Pay $50 to listen to a man billed as “who passed the largest tax cut in state history”. Those who are struggling to put food on the table who could have used a grocery tax cut do not have $50 to spend to listen to him nor do they want to. It is obivious who he works for and it is not Mr. and Mrs Jones with a young family.

  5. I would venture to guess that Karr is the most egotistical, pompous windbag in the legislature. Well maybe a close second to Deutsch and Mills.

    Wait a minute, I left out Ottenbach, Nelson, Jensen K, Liz May, Overweg, and Mulally.

    1. Ottenbach? Is that some fusion of the elder and the younger Ottens left and right upper halves with the lower portion of Mr. Odenbach’s buttocks and thighs, and the cloven hoofs of a Slavic Chort? Even Jensen, Phil, and the bloated with pompousness young Mr. Karr couldn’t equal the evil of that sort of creature.

  6. Chris Karr is a good man and a strong conservative voice in the SD State Legislature. Trying to cast him as less than that, says more about those who want to throw stones and sow division in our party than it does about Representative Karr. I’m pretty sure Ronald Reagan and I would agree with him on at least 80% of the issues that come up in the state legislature. I am planning to attend the Davidson County Lincoln Day Dinner and I hope to see a lot of other big tent Republicans there, too.

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