Monae Johnson for SOS raises $61k, spends 54k, with $6.8k cash in hand

Monae Johnson for Secretary of State has filed her report, showing that while her fundraising is ahead of her opponent, with his 50k loan to himself, Johnson us is not that far ahead.

Monae Johnson Pre General by Pat Powers on Scribd

Johnson shows $61,282.49 raised against $54,832.26 spend, leaving her $6,854.00 to roll into the final 2 weeks.

With her natural, built in advantage as a Republican, Johnson should be able to cruise into the winner’s circle.. but she shouldn’t stop working, because being within $5k of her opponent, a last minute blitz could prove to be a headache.

10 thoughts on “Monae Johnson for SOS raises $61k, spends 54k, with $6.8k cash in hand”

  1. Comparing the Monae Johnson campaign financial report to Tom Cool’s, it is obvious she has the support of South Dakota. All her contributors have South Dakota addresses, unlike Mr. Cool’s contributors. Monae for the win!

    1. I don’t think Barnett ever raised that kind of money in a cycle. Go look. That’s not a knock on Barnett just that she has been doing better than expected.

      Barnett has a lot on hand but it is from rolling his funds over for 12 years.

  2. Monae is a great candidate and has a large following. Her opponent is an unknown. Good thing she will win without money. Many of her supporters are those who like to talk but don’t like to contribute.

  3. I’m a little worried about Ms. Monae, insaner than most as she is. There are a lot of fellows sporting “It’s Cool to vote Cool” hats in the establishments I frequent. Ms. Monae needs to step it up here towards then end. Get some nifty hats out at least.

  4. Soon all of the documents will be duly filed and we will have really fans hand counted election audits and our SOS will continue to follow the election deniers to the brink.

  5. Oh, this is gonna be interesting. If Monae wins, the incompetence and paranoia will eclipse the Jason Ravnsborg fiasco.

    1. Monae needs to ditch Gretchen Whitmer and her husband. She needs to surround herself with competence. The only thing I’d say is she is spending money like crazy and I don’t understand why. She needs competent people around her and she will be fine.

      Stay off kelo.

      Save your money.

      Ditch Gretchen.

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