More Julie Frye Mueller Scandal: Senator Jessica Castleberry explains her vote yesterday to reinstate Mueller…. but with a caveat

From State Senator Jessica Castleberry’s website, the Senator explains her vote yesterday to reinstate Mueller to a voting status…. but with a caveat

Castleberry notes that she would support Julie Frye Mueller to vote during the investigation of her conduct, BUT, she would have to do it remotely and be out of the building until the investigation is complete.

What are your thoughts on that solution?

16 thoughts on “More Julie Frye Mueller Scandal: Senator Jessica Castleberry explains her vote yesterday to reinstate Mueller…. but with a caveat”

      1. as a practical matter, employers do have a right to take steps to limit contact and prevent potential workplace retaliation which could carry liability as well.

    1. There is nothing illegal or inappropriate in the conversation she had.

      Even if she had said something vulgar or contextually inappropriate, language police are un-American.

      How did we so lose our way?

      1. Because it was said within the workplace. You do not have the right to harass, be vulgar, or create a hostile workplace as per the EEOC, ADA of 1990, and Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act.

      2. Imagine if JFM was dressed up in men’s clothing and asked to be called by a different pronoun, then even she would want her actions to be illegal… save the kids, right?

      3. John Dale, There was a lot that was inappropriate. First, bringing the husband into the office to intimidate the staffer was inappropriate. Second, yelling at a woman for not breastfeeding her child is inappropriate. 3rd, she questioned the staffer’s faith in God, as evidenced by the inability to breastfeed.
        4th she spewed a lot of completely false nonsense about vaccines causing autism, genetic disorders, and infant mortality.
        Dissemination of false information is inappropriate.

  1. I expect that Miss Manners would not approve of Mueller’s words.

    However, when people have been rude to me or used vulgar language or tried to tell me what to do or lectured me or tried to pressure me into doing what THEY think I ought to do – I don’t collapse and whimper and whine and go public about my pain. Because I am a womanly Woman with a spine! I dismiss it and move on.

    Americans of today love to preen their moral outrage about other people’s failings, mistakes, poor choice of words, etc. This is “virtue signaling”: I am so good – so & so is very very bad. I am so pure I just can’t bear badness in others.

    We all sometimes say things we shouldn’t. Our Brain isn’t watching our Mouth. So what? One apologizes and moves on.

      1. So telling a woman that she’s either killing her children or giving them Downs Syndrome for using vaccines is a obviously wholesome move? Says a lot about your character if you think it is.

    1. A couple of points. Regarding “This is “virtue signaling”: I am so good – so & so is very very bad. I am so pure I just can’t bear badness in others.” I assume you’re referring to the person that was spoken to inappropriately but this describes JFM to a tee in this situation. And I don’t envision JFM apologizing and moving on although, guessing in hindsight, she wishes she would have.

      Also, I read the person didn’t do/say anything until the next day when she told a presumed co-worker/friend. How do we know that she didn’t talk to Monica Lewinsky’s version of Linda Tripp? Ok, probably not recording her but that could’ve been what set things in motion. We can’t be quick to blame the LRC member without knowing all the facts. If we ever will.

  2. The senate has jumped the shark .. led by the nose by a single member of the bureaucracy who “Blasey Forded” another WOMAN!



    More at 5p.

    I guess I expected the take down of America to be .. more sensational and violent.

  3. Castleberry’s time to lead is coming. If she was protem or leader this would have been handled much better.

  4. First Red Book rule change: No spouse of a sitting Legislator is allowed into any LRC Staff’s office during the Legislative Session with any Legislator unless said spouse is also a sitting Legislator.

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