New proposal coming for home rule charter for Minnehaha County; would combine Auditor/Reg of Deeds/Treasurer into one department

I had heard that this might be percolating, and it seems that it is finally moving forward, where Minnehaha County is going to move to bring more professionalism into some of their elected offices related to county services, and combine some offices, as well as to have a County Manager to help run the day to day business for the largest county in the state:

Kippley said that under a home rule charter, the county administrator position would be adjusted to a county manager position that would be appointed or removed by the commission.

But that’s not what’s likely to bring the most opposition to the home rule charter proposal, he acknowledges. Rather, doing away with the auditor, treasurer, and register of deeds positions and replacing them with a single chief financial officer will be the toughest sell.


Kippley said depending on whether a majority of the commission supports the proposal, a vote by the full county commission to refer the question of home rule charter to the fall ballot could happen in early August.

Read the entire story here.

Providing better service, AND ridding themselves of their train wreck of a county auditor? Sounds like a win-win to me.