Noem absolutely dominated Jamie Smith as she handily beats him on a nearly 2-1 margin at this point.

How about that SDSU opinion poll now?

With a margin that is currently 63% to 34% as of this writing, Governor Kristi Noem has absolutely dominated her opponent Jamie Smith in the 2022 gubernatorial race to lead South Dakota for the next four years.

At no point in the evenings returns did Smith even show a glimmer of being competitive as Noem has outpaced him constantly with an ever-widening margin of success.

The strength of her campaign almost seems contrary to the media narrative that has been disseminated over the course of the last several months, trying to paint the race as having a slimmer margin or being more competitive. Even the Smith campaign has been claiming in social media ads all the way through today that the race was within 3 percentage points.

They probably should have moved the decimal point over a place. Because the margin tonight is nearly 30 points not three.

Tonight is a well deserved victory lap for Governor Kristi Noem. She won the race, decisively and definitively.

16 thoughts on “Noem absolutely dominated Jamie Smith as she handily beats him on a nearly 2-1 margin at this point.”

  1. Let’s see, the professor at SDSU who ran the poll, or taught the students how to do it, that showed the race to be within the margin of error was terribly wrong. Evidently, he doesn’t have a clue to what he is doing. Maybe the university should send him packing and get someone more capable.

  2. We don’t have any media in SD that conducts polling of races and the national organizations skip SD so it’s easy for the left to manipulate us. We have a clown show at SDSU poll, we have kelo. That’s it.

    Plus Noem’s rhetoric about it being a close race fed into that.

  3. Media here long for a close race and so they make every race out to be razor thin. Noem’s decisive victory is about as shocking as Daugaard vs Wismer race. I don’t know what Smith did to the democrats to deserve such a public refutal and shaming. Same goes for Bengs.

  4. 2020 The SDDP passed their own voter reduction ballot Initiative being IM26. 2022 IM26 reduced the amount of SDDP voters for Jamie Smith and the rest of the SDDP candidates. They just could not break away from their video games, getting blazed, off the couch and out of mom’s basement. Let’s just say the SDDP is toast or toasted!

    This message was brought to you by an out of state Nebraska based stoner blog and it’s out of state name callers.

  5. The take-away seems to be: Republicans don’t split their ballot. We still vote like Grandpa and Grandma.

  6. Again – I had several pollsters call and I gave them a crap load of BS results. Sorry I was bored.

    1. It’s really gotta suck to be a pollster. Too bad candidates themselves have a need for valid polling data to determine where they need to work harder to get their message heard.

  7. In her bs speech she praised her campaign having honesty and integrity. Does that include all the horses**t negative, attack and ridiculous ads that bloated the media?

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