Noem not focused on presidential race at moment, devoting attention to South Dakota

From the Argus Leader, Governor Kristi Noem is not looking at running for President and has her eyes set on South Dakota:

In a call with KWAT, a Watertown-based radio station on Monday morning, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem hopped on the airwaves and said she’s focusing on the state, rather than considering a presidential bid at the moment.


“President Trump is in the race and right now, I don’t see a path for victory with anybody else with him in the race and the situation as it sits today, but I think people should saddle up,” Noem said.

Read the entire story here.

23 thoughts on “Noem not focused on presidential race at moment, devoting attention to South Dakota”

  1. Just must be a coincidence that she just unveiled an ad campaign heavily rotated on early presidential primary states, huh?

      1. Her only play is for the highest position any South Dakotan has ever held?
        She really must be sinking like a led zeppelin.

        1. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she’s rarely in state and spending money on advertising in early primary states. She’s clearly gunning for DC.

    1. Read the writing on the wall? That would require a literate staffer in her inner circle, which is just not believable.

  2. Hey Anonymous 8:13 pm for purposes of brevity I’ll just refer to you as Coward813. The lady, Governor Kristi Noem, protests and takes action whenever the issue is not in the best interests of South Dakotans. Since the first day of the Biden regime, that has been standard fare from DC. She fights for us on levels you likely can’t even comprehend. So man-up or woman-up as the case may be and let’s have a discussion on some real issues, not just your generalized angst.

    1. Alright Ed, I’ll bite. What has Noem done to help the majority of middle class individuals?

        1. Or are you afraid to discuss the merits of ideas and actions without having to fall back on ad hominems? You’re on the internet good sir, where the names are made up but ideas real.

      1. Kept them from going out of business. Mom and Pop shops that folded under the weight of Government restrictions in other states thrive here. She protected our rights and way of life during COVID so that less of us had to see the gestappo lock up our elderly. She’s made covert trips to the reservations to help people in their situations despite the radical leftist tribal Governments arbitrarily prosecuting her every step of the way. She’s reduced taxes, increased education spending, brought in more business to SD than the past two Governors combined, you name something she could have done and she’s done it, you just don’t hear about it on the news, you only get stupidity on the news and by extension stupidity in your comments.

  3. The Governor has been positioning herself for VP for the past two years. Her comments going after DeSantis in her State of the State were very calculated. The pool of candidates Trump has is probably fewer than he had in ’16 and Noem could be leading the pack.

    That being said, it makes for even more interesting relationships with her neighboring Governors. She endorsed the GOP primary opponent of the Governor of Nebraska, her comments here were not positive for Burgum, and I think it’s no secret there is no love lost with Governor Reynolds in Iowa.

    1. Leading the pack? That is hilarious. There are two women who are far superior. One is literally living at marlago just waiting for the nod. Noem will be lucky if she can get a cabinet position at this point.

      1. It’s true.

        When one digs into South Dakota’s deep state – a state with a very small population – one realizes there is a lot work to do in SD, yet.

        Figure it out here, and you can figure it out anywhere.

        1. Deep State? What? We were planning on cooking on the grill and went to the grocery stores and they were all out of tin foil. John?

    2. She hasnt been positioning herself for VP and why would she want to? There are much better jobs to be had in cabinet level positions such as Agriculture or Interior.

  4. i guess the proof will be in the pudding as they say. we’ll see about all of it. here’s a thought: the conservative movement was pretty big about putting principles first. now your top choice for president is a man whose only principle is that he should run everything. what he did as president actually evaporated, because it all hinges on him being top oligarch. that is what you get, personality over principle. just be honest about it. what you want is your own king to dictate in the other direction. don’t call this mess a party while this is going on.

    1. Pretty sure myself and most Republicans agree, but they arbitrarily are accepting that Trump is going to win the primary, which is baffling because I have no idea which Republicans actually still support Trump over the next guy.

      1. trump’s ability to romp around blithely hungry for the office, against the backdrop of a party powerless to stop his antics, is the perfect replay of hilary clinton running roughshod over the democrats since 2001 up until her loss to trump. the trump fans who ignore his unsuitability are no better than the clintonistas who used to laugh at any mention of hrc’s major problems. it’s perfect divine payback when you think about it. maybe his being the gop candidate is a cosmic punchline.

  5. I agree with her that with Trump in the race, there really isn’t any way forward for anybody else.
    I think DeSantis will fizzle out pretty soon.

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