Noem vows to strengthen abortion laws after Texas decision

17 thoughts on “Noem vows to strengthen abortion laws after Texas decision”

    1. Abortion was basically illegal in christian “conservative ” nazi Germany by the “government to protect the safety of babies.”…….

      1. Abortion is legal in atheist “communist” China. In fact it’s mandatory in some cases…..

      2. So you support the doctors of death ripping apart unborn babies in the womb? Do you even have a son or daughter or are you a “pet parent”? Satan supports abortion too.

    1. Assuming you know what spermicide is, should it be banned?

      How did your last “fight” go?

      if you people should get your wish and abortion became illegal— what should be the punishment for the woman and provider of an “illegal” abortion?

      If a person shotguns a living 1 year old what should be the punishment?

      1. Spermicide is a form of birth control. I don’t hear anybody suggesting we ban birth control. The punishment should be whatever the legislative body of that state chooses. My own opinion is a fine and counseling for the mother.

        As for the doctor, if he knowingly performs murder on the unborn he should get the same penalty as someone who shotguns a 1 year old.

      2. anonymous at 8:52, it is reasonable to expect that if abortion becomes illegal, the same penalties would apply as before it became legal.

      1. I agree. The right wing war mongers are already looking for their next country to invade since they can’t attack the poor and needy back home right now.

        1. Got any proof of that? Or is this just your warped opinion? Let’s see the proof of what you say. No kidding documented proof with references to back up what your pie hole is vomiting. Let’s see it.

  1. Nothing like creating a mob of vigilantes to monitor a woman’s body and what she chooses to do with it. Especially every Tom, Dick, and Harry who don’t have to have any relation to the woman, have no connection to the creation of the “baby”, or could live anywhere in the state.

    This bill could allow Freddy Deutsch to sue any woman who seeks an abortion in the state of Texas. Now, why on God’s green earth should any random person have that right?

    And why is it always about penalizing a woman and her right to choose, and never anything about the man?

  2. It’s just her body…..then please explain to us all in detail the procedure of an abortion and what happens to the body of the fetus. Care to do that?

  3. And this sort of thing is one of the oldest reasons I’m not a Republican. The way I see it, the more abortions the better. I’ve lived in overpopulated states, and even in a nicely low population state, why would I want other men’s kids getting born? That hurts my kids’ prospects.

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