Apple adding support for driver’s licenses. I’m not confident we’ll add South Dakota anytime soon.

Apparently a number of states are adding use of apple wallet for driver’s licenses, including a neighboring state to South Dakota:

Apple has announced that Arizona and Georgia are to support Apple Wallet for state ID and drivers’ licences in iOS 15, with six more states to follow.

Apple has long been preparing to have passports and other ID stored on iPhones, and iOS 15 will add support for it. Now the company has announced seven states that have signed on to accept ID through Apple Wallet.

Arizona and Georgia will be first, followed by Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah. At the same time, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is enabling selected airport security checkpoints to work with Apple Wallet.

Read the entire story here.

Hm..  Given the number of crackpots who think Bill Gates is injecting microchips into people with vaccines, somehow I’m not confident South Dakota is going to be on that list anytime soon.

16 thoughts on “Apple adding support for driver’s licenses. I’m not confident we’ll add South Dakota anytime soon.”

  1. Yeah, the Silicon Valley elite are trustworthy and can be trusted to not deny access to services in deference to the Constitution .. except when they do.

    “I’m sorry officer. I can’t show you my ID. My battery’s dead.”

    Even asking for ID for a traffic stop is a real sneaky “papers please” moment.

  2. You say that, but South Dakota was an early adopter of Real ID when that was announced. We implemented that well before our neighboring states. And Real ID came from an organization far more notorious than Apple: the federal government.

  3. One does not have to be a “crackpot who thinks that Bill Gates is injecting microchips into people with vaccines”, and those people truly are crackpots, to oppose Apple or other private entities controlling that information (more than they already do).

  4. It would be nice to give people the option to store a copy of the license on their phones, like you can do with credit cards, airline tickets, and many other things. You could never mandate it because not everyone has a phone but it would be handy.

  5. SD GFP currently does it for all licensing. Give me a state owned app for my driver’s license, vehicle registration, boat/snowmobile/motorcycle registration, and start working in other functions of government and then maybe we can eliminate some government jobs.

      1. If your identity is in your billfold in your pocket, I suspect it will be difficult for you to have your ID stolen based upon the information in your pocket. In order for someone to steal your identity, that person would have to have physical contact with you. For someone to steal your information on your designer phone, all a person has to do is be able to hack you. Apple is not immune to this.

        1. That same information is already digital on the state network. I’d be more afraid of the state being hacked then apple or my wallet. To me, that’s a moot point.

  6. I had my hunting license on my iPhone and when a conservation officer needed to see it I couldn’t figure out how to find it. I handed him my phone and he found it in about 2 seconds. LOL

  7. From my perspective, I’d say that this should be something that a person should be able to choose to opt into.
    It could be implemented in a way that could be almost as secure as your traditional physicals ID. More secure in some ways, less secure in others.
    But I also wouldn’t be an early adopter of this, much like I wasn’t an early adopter of Google Pay (and/or Apple Pay) or the tap to pay solutions that exist on your phones…but after a handful of states have gone through the growing pains of this and stress tested the system it would be worth looking into.

  8. I am NOT placing my personal Information on some APPLE or Samsung Software gadgit, that sounds it will violate my 4th amendment. With all the fraud, abuse, and hacking go out there, Do you really want some tech company having access to your information?

    I am looking for a way to get that Real ID off my license now, I dont know about this Apple Passport. Scary.

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