Not sure that the D20 replacement meeting complied with state law.

Interesting discussions on how political parties replace candidates yesterday. Do you know they changed some laws on that in the last few years?

For the Ben Krohmer District 20 replacement, being a multi-county legislative district, there is a specific law that applies:

12-6-57. Meeting of party committee to fill vacancies–Manner of voting.

To fill a vacancy for a party candidate to a:

(1) State office or as a presidential elector, the party State Central Committee chairman shall call a central committee meeting to fill the vacancy, and designate the time and place where the meeting shall be held;

(2) Multi-county legislative district, the party State Central Committee chairman shall call a meeting of affected county party central committee members to fill the vacancy, designate the time and place where the meeting shall be held, designate the person who will conduct the meeting, and notify all affected central committee members of this information;

(3) Single-county legislative district or county office, the county party central committee chairman shall call a meeting of the county party central committee to fill the vacancy and designate the time and place where the meeting shall be held.

Vacancies filled by State Central Committee shall be by unit representation, each county casting the number of votes cast in that county at the last general election for that party’s candidate for Governor. All other vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the affected committee members present.

Read that here.

The law seems to be pretty specific in that it spells out “the party State Central Committee chairman shall call a meeting of affected county party central committee members to fill the vacancy, designate the time and place where the meeting shall be held, designate the person who will conduct the meeting, and notify all affected central committee members of this information;”

What was that notice that went out about the meeting a couple days ago? I think you can find it here on the website:

From: Rich Hilgemann
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2024, 11:25 AM
Subject: D20 replacement meeting notice

I am Rich Hilgemann, a region director for the state Republican party, Chairman Wiik has tasked me with running this replacement meeting. I am reaching out because all of you are eligible voters and need to be notified of a replacement meeting to be held on Monday August 12th at the Mitchell Public Library, 221 N. Duff Street in Mitchell, SD.

Yesterday afternoon Representative Krohmer withdrew from the 2024 general election ballot. All elected Republicans residing in District 20, and organized county party executive boards are eligible to vote at a replacement meeting. Davison County Republicans have a room booked for us and will also help with credentialing.

Credentials will run from 6pm to 7pm.
Nominations and voting starts at 7pm.
Spectators are welcome but I will ask they be seated separately from the credentialed voting block.

Those eligible to obtain credentials: There are 2 organized counties in District 20, Jerauld and Davison and their executive boards are eligible as long as they are still registered Republicans in District 20/their counties. District 20 partisan office holders, current Legislators/Senator, county elected officials (Coroner, Sheriff, Auditor, Deeds, Treasurer, Commissioners, State’s Attorney) and precinct people.

Nominations and a second will be required to be considered a candidate. Nominating speeches and candidate speeches I believe would be in order, seconding speeches optional. Nominations and seconds can only be made by credentialed voters.

I do want to apologize for the short notice and nature of this notice but the deadline for replacement is the day after the meeting so email, social media, and phone calls are what we are relegated to. Also I would ask your help in forwarding this email to those who are eligible but have not seen this email notice or know about the meeting yet.

Please feel free to reply to this email with questions or concerns.

Rich Hilgemann

Rich Hilgemann calling the meeting does not appear to be the party State Central Committee chairman calling the meeting. While he might’ve been tasked with it, that notice doesn’t really seem to indicate that he is the Republican party state central committee chairman himself, does it?

I hate to be that guy, but on the surface, it would not appear that the notice requirements of 12-6-57 were followed.

Which casts some aspersions on that entire Monday night process.

8 thoughts on “Not sure that the D20 replacement meeting complied with state law.”

  1. I think that rules and law and policy are important.

    So, if there is a procedural issue or irregularity in the manner in which things are conducted, you are just in calling the process into question and attempting to right the ship.

    For instance, another example that could use some highlighting:

  2. What happened to skibby or the guy from Mitchell who used to post here and at Dakota Free Press. He used to write LTEs in the old Mitchell Daily Republic all the time. He could be a legal candidate.

  3. So according to John Dale, the insurgents, who are breaking the established rules of the Party of Law and Order, are doing so to challenge and change these established, traditional Party rules. Seems like just more Chaos to me.

  4. No, it really doesnt. He doesnt address any of the actual critiques and just fellates himself with weird non-sequiturs and attempts at pithy quips. This reads like a sophmore in college who thinks he’s a genius because he nailed a 3.5 freshman year. Dolts.

  5. If open primaries become the mode of selecting candidates, how will the process of replacing candidates after a primary proceed?
    If political parties don’t select their own nominees, who will be called to a district meeting to replace one who has dropped out?

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