Now where did D34 House Candidate Heather Baxter’s $5000 magically appear from?

Caught this in Heather Baxter’s pre-primary campaign finance report dated May 16th..

A $5000 Donation from Shining Light PAC , directly attributed to Jason & Bonnie Johnson, which may have been routed through the PAC. To get around campaign finance limits, possibly?

But curiously, when we look at the campaign finance report for the PAC belonging to Rapid City’s most dubious politico, Jordan Mason’s “Shining Light PAC,”  I don’t see any money coming in, or going out to Heather Baxter.

ShiningBagofDooDoo_sdcfdisclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

The date of the Shining Light PAC Campaign finance report? May 16.

Sooo…. How does Heather Baxter receive and report to the Secretary of State a $5000 donation supposedly rolled through the Shining Light Political Action Committee and reported on May 14th, yet on May 16th, Shining Light Political Action Committee treasurer Jordan Mason reports no activity – nothing received or donated on his report?

This might be one of these campaign finance questions someone should look into.