Over 100 Interns urge re-opening of US Capitol; effort led by Congressman Dusty Johnson Interns

From CNS News:

Over one hundred congressional interns will reportedly send a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

The letter originated in Republican South Dakota Rep. Dusty Johnson’s office and implored Pelosi and McCarthy to reopen the U.S. Capitol to the public, CNS News reported.

“As congressional interns from both sides of the political aisle, our love of country is a shared trait. We’d be thrilled to provide this public service once again to our constituents and fellow countrymen,” the letter said, according to CNS News.

Read it here.

There’s more to come on this, as I’m sure Congressman Johnson will have a release.

As I understand it, a statement to this effect was read in the rotunda by Johnson intern Sydney Noordsy from here in Brookings.

Stay tuned.

** Update**

And here’s a little better video link:

2 thoughts on “Over 100 Interns urge re-opening of US Capitol; effort led by Congressman Dusty Johnson Interns”

  1. Congressman Johnson;

    If you want to build your street cred, acknowledge that the election was stolen, hold a sign on the steps of congress that says, “Election integrity is America’s soul food”.

    Doing this alone will mean you have the national spotlight to yourself, so be prepared with honest messages of reconciliation for the flood of interviews that will follow. Your archetype is the perfect carrier wave for the message. Anybody that participated in the theft should take personal responsibility, and we should explore legal means to make the Trump team whole. At the same time, caution those wanting true insurrection (the election thieves) that there will be very violent consequences for those using violence/theft to achieve political objectives.

    But it will take a very stiff backbone, and it’s risky.

    Don’t send your interns to do it.

    The alternative is the vicious impeachment of the first “Madam President”?


    John Dale

  2. I doubt it Nancy will want to open the capitol since she is an elderly woman who is probably extra-compromised due to multiple plastic surgeries.

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