Governor Daugaard on GOAC: “Some committee members just like attention.”

According to KELO Radio, Governor Dennis Daugaard has some words for the Government Operations and Audit Committee, specifically regarding members who are trying to be investigators instead of legislators:

Governor Dennis Daugaard is responding to remarks made recently by State Senator Stace Nelson, who has been critical of the Government Operations and Audit Committee and the Governor’s handling of the GEAR UP program investigation.

The Governor says he’s glad the committee has moved on and is now looking at legislation to shore up the state’s auditing procedures.

He is critical though of some committee members, including Nelson, who want to be criminal investigators. He says that job belongs to the Attorney General and States Attorneys. He says the legislators should be focused on policy rather than trying to find and assign blame.


Without naming Nelson specifically, Daugaard said there are some committee members who just like attention.

Read it here.

Battle over Marsy’s Law, now part of State Constitution, may head to 2018 ballot.

If State Representative Mark Mickelson has his way, the Victims Rights measure commonly known as Marsy’s Law may be headed back to the ballot to strip it out of the State Constitution:

State Rep. Mark Mickelson wants to repeal the Marsy’s Law amendment that voters approved in 2016. It put victims’ rights in the South Dakota Constitution.

Mickelson, R-Sioux Falls, said the constitutional amendment duplicated state laws in a variety of instances. “Our constitution is pretty sacred,” he told South Dakota Public Radio on Tuesday.

Mickelson said the first step for the Legislature in the 2018 session would be passing laws to cover gaps in victims’ rights.

Next would be a resolution asking legislators to put the constitutional repeal on the 2018 ballot. A majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate would be needed.


Glodt, in running the Marsy’s Law campaign, said he wanted the constitutional amendment in part to prevent the Legislature from directly overturning it. He is executive director for GSG Strategies, a political consulting group.

Read it all here.

What are your thoughts? An initiated measure that was declared unconstitutional was one thing, but do you think the legislature would try to strip a victims rights measure out of the constitution?

Attorney General Jackley Calls on Credit Bureaus to Halt Fees for Consumers Impacted by Equifax Breach

Attorney General Jackley Calls on Credit Bureaus to Halt Fees for Consumers Impacted by Equifax Breach

PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley has joined a coalition of 37 attorneys general to urge consumer reporting agencies Experian and TransUnion to immediately stop charging fees to consumers who want to put in place credit freezes on their accounts in light of the massive data breach at the consumer reporting agency Equifax.

The attorneys general sent a letter to the consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) urging them to stop charging fees for credit freezes and fees to lift or temporarily lift credit freezes on consumers’ accounts. The Equifax data breach reported last month has so far affected over 145 million Americans.

“The entire process of placing a credit freeze on one’s credit has been painful enough, but then to ask consumers to pay $10 to each CRA to place a credit freeze and another $10 every time they want to apply for credit and temporarily lift the freeze is just not right,” said Jackley. “All the CRAs have a responsibility to protect personal identifying information and the least they can do is allow consumers to freeze their credit without additional charges.”

Currently, some of the CRAs are offering what they call a credit lock, which is similar to a credit freeze, but in some cases they also charge a monthly fee for the lock and combine it with other services, such as credit monitoring. In other cases, the CRAs offer a credit freeze free of charge, but the terms and conditions indicate that consumers’ information will be shared with affiliates and third party marketers.
Consumers should be able to receive the credit freezes provided for by law without fees and without being subjected to marketing from unknown third parties.

In addition to placing a credit freeze on all of your credit reports the following tips consumers can take to safeguard against identity theft:

• Regularly request your free credit reports, inspect them closely, and promptly dispute any unauthorized accounts;
• Inspect all financial account statements closely and promptly dispute any unauthorized charges;
• Consider placing alerts on your financial accounts so your financial institution alerts you when money above a pre-designated amount is withdrawn;
• Beware of potential phishing emails; don’t open any email messages or attachments from unknown senders and do not click on any unknown links. Fraudsters will frequently send coercive and misleading emails threatening account suspension or worse if sensitive information is not provided. Remember, businesses will never ask customers to verify account information via email. If in doubt, contact the business in question directly for verification and to report phishing emails; and
• Be on the lookout for spoofed email addresses. Spoofed email addresses are those that make minor changes in the domain name, frequently changing the letter O to the number zero, or the lowercase letter l to the number one. Scrutinize all incoming email addresses to ensure that the sender is truly legitimate.


Hubbel decries political opportunists.. after changing parties.

Dana Ferguson of the Argus has posted her story regarding Lora Hubbel’s attacks. And it just keeps getting funnier:

Lederman, who was elected state chair in February, registered to vote as a Democrat in Iowa 1998, and records show he last voted there in 2000. He is still registered to vote in the state as a Democrat, a Jasper County official said Wednesday.

Hubbel, who rejoined the GOP last year after a two-month stint in the state’s Constitution Party, said the record demonstrates the state’s Republican Party has been “highjacked by political opportunists.”


“As your next governor, I will take away the liberal top cover for these fake Republicans…”

Read it all here.

Darned political opportunists…

UPDATE: Here’s a visual representation of a Lora Hubbel campaign presser:

Lora Hubbel’s backfiring press conference….

As we go further and further down the rabbit hole… From KELO Radio:

Party changing Hubbel accuses SDGOP chair of party changing

Republican candidate for South Dakota governor Lora Hubbel has accused state GOP chair Dan Lederman of being a Democrat.

In a series of emails, she provided a document that showed Lederman was a registered Democrat when he lived in Iowa–in 2000.


Earlier this year, Hubbel resigned as chair of the South Dakota Constitutional Party. In 2014, she ran as the lieutenant governor candidate as an independent, with the late Mike Myers.

They ran as Independents, while Dennis Daugaard and Matt Michels ran as Republicans and Susan Wismer and Susie Blake ran as Democrats.

Currently, Hubbel claims to be a member of the Republican Party.

Read it all here.

Candidate who changed parties in February attacking GOP Chairman for switching party 18 years ago

From Bob Mercer:

Republican former legislator Lora Hubbel provided Lederman’s Iowa registration to South Dakota reporters Wednesday.

The registration record shows Daniel Isaac Lederman last voted in Iowa in 2000.

Lederman later served in the South Dakota Legislature as a Republican from Dakota Dunes.


Lederman won the South Dakota Republican chairmanship this year.

Read that here.

and from my mailbox, in a press release from Lora Hubbel:

“Being a Republican isn’t about stealing the “R” to get elected. It isn’t about using the GOP brand…”


“The reason these politicians are upset about their voting records and voter registrations being made public is it gives the Republican base the full ugly picture of the reality that our GOP has been highjacked by political opportunists who don’t share our conservative values.  As your next governor, I will take away the liberal top cover for these fake Republicans…”

Of course, from my previous post which comes from a Constitution Party Press Release dated last year…

Kurt Evans won the CP’s nomination for the US Senate at the Constitution Party of South Dakota’s state convention that was held on Saturday, July 9th in Sioux Falls.


Lora Hubbel was elected as the new State Chairman of the Constitution Party of South Dakota!

Read that here.

and from the State Constitution Party in February of this year..

Lora Hubbel has decided to step down as State Party Chairman.  We thank her for serving and wish her the best in the future.

Read that here

So, basically, a candidate who changed parties to become Republican in February is attacking the GOP Chairman for switching parties about 18 years ago.

SD Political Time Machine: Lora Hubbel elected Chair of SD Constitution Party – July 11, 2016

It’s time for the South Dakota Political Time Machine…

Constitution Party of South Dakota elects
former state representative as new chairwoman

New party officers and 5 candidates nominated for the CP of South Dakota


Kurt Evans won the CP’s nomination for the US Senate at the Constitution Party of South Dakota’s state convention that was held on Saturday, July 9th in Sioux Falls. We are happy to have Kurt back in our party after a long hiatus. He was a delegate to our national convention back in 1996 when the party was still under the original party name of the “US Taxpayers’ Party”. Welcome back Kurt!

Presidential Nominee Darrell Castle joined the convention live via Skype with updates on his campaign and a live Q&A session with the state convention attendees.

Lori Stacey decided not to seek re-election as State Chairman. She had recently been elected as the new Regional Co-Chairman for the 12 Midwestern states at the National Convention which took place in Salt Lake City in April.

Lora Hubbel was elected as the new State Chairman of the Constitution Party of South Dakota! We also elected Joel Bergan as the new State Vice-Chairman. Lori Stacey will serve as State Party Treasurer and Secretary.

As found here, because the SD Constitutional Party removed it from their website here.  But they do make reference to it here.

(Is there a point to this? Don’t worry. It’s going to get funnier….)

Trump Signs Noem’s Women, Peace and Security Act

Trump Signs Noem’s Women, Peace and Security Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump has signed the Women, Peace, and Security Act, a bill sponsored by Rep. Kristi Noem in the House that aims to increase and strengthen women’s participation in peace negotiations and conflict prevention globally. Research shows that peace agreements are 35 percent more likely to last at least 15 years when women are involved. The Women, Peace and Security Act would – for the first time – establish women’s participation as a permanent element of U.S. foreign policy under Congressional oversight. With President Trump’s signature, the legislation has been made law.

“We live in an extremely volatile and dangerous world, and our national security often relies on the success of ongoing peace negotiations,” said Noem. “Women have proven to be influential forces in producing lasting peace within communities, yet are often underrepresented at the negotiating table. I’m grateful to President Trump for signing this important legislation and hopeful that with these reforms, as well as the long-term thinking and accountability this legislation requires, we can produce more sustainable outcomes during future conflict resolution and peace negotiation processes.”

Noem first introduced the Women, Peace, and Security Act in May 2016. While it was passed by the House, the Senate didn’t act on the legislation before the end of the last Congress. As a result, Noem reintroduced the legislation in May 2017 and worked with Senate sponsors to push the legislation toward enactment.

So, maybe Heidelberger is running for Senate after all..

Caught a little intel the other day after my post on Cory Heidelberger walking in NSU’s parade.

Apparently, despite there being an open House seat, I’m told that Heidelberger is looking at running for State Senate against Al Novstrup in a rematch, after suffering a beating at the Senator’s hands in 2016.  Word is that Aberdeen Dems have been told that the sore loser is going for another run… and they’re not thrilled.

What was passed on to me was “County Dems don’t want him to but aren’t getting anyone new anyway…”

Now that’s a rallying cry for Democrats if I’ve ever heard one.   Meh.. Well, we can’t find anything else…

More Stace Nelson silliness. If you don’t like the narrative, rewrite your wikipedia page.

Just had an e-mail from a reader pointing out to me: “Have you seen this? Nelson completely re-wrote his Wikipedia page.”   Okay. Call me the curious cat. I had to go look.

In looking at recent revisions, it appears that Senator Nelson, or at least someone using the prefix of his personal e-mail address of [email protected] has been actively editing his wiikipedia profile. And so have people using a form of racial epithet about the former president, as well as IP addresses originating in Mitchell… which also match up to an IP address known to lavish slobbering praise on the Senator via this web site:

Any editing of Wikipedia by the person the article is about would appear to be contrary to the guidelines of wikipedia, who lays out guidelines about conflict of interest,  noting specifically:

  • Be transparent about your conflict of interest.
  • Do not edit articles about yourselfyour family or friendsyour organizationyour clients, or your competitors.
  • Post suggestions and sources on the article’s talk page, or in your user space.
  • The role of editors is to summarizeinform, and reference, not promote, whitewash, or sell.

Read that here.

In fact, Wikipedia’s advice if a person notices inaccurate advice about themselves on the website?

One of the most frowned upon things in Wikipedia etiquette, however, is to edit one’s own page. When Microsoft offered to hire people to do so, they were greeted with great disapproval by the community.

Read that here.

Which appears to be exactly what Senator Nelson (or someone using a form of his e-mail address) appears to have done.

What do you think? Should South Dakota politicians be editing their own wikipedia entries? For that matter, how many have their own entries?

Or should we just accept whatever we read as edited (because we read it on the Internet)?