27 thoughts on “Dusty Johnson preparing to turn in 3500 Signatures”

  1. Good number. I don’t subscribe to the theory that someone should turn in 8000 signatures. Get enough to be comfortable and then focus on things that actually win campaigns.

  2. The only knock I have on DJ is that he looks so young. I don’t think He can clear that hurdle. It’s unfortunate but it will hurt him in this race. If he looked like Jarrod Johnson this race would be over.

    1. I agree, except actually, he looks fairly old. Just less than masculine. There’s a difference. And anyone who knows anything about the fistfights that happen on the hill knows there’s no chance in hell that Dusty is timber to stand up to that. Sorry.

      1. With the halls of Congress where our sole Representative is fighting for the good people of South Dakota and the US it is hard not to appreciate the skills of a former circuit judge, was an outstanding athlete in his day and is in pretty good shape today being Tim Bjorkman.

        Congratulations Dusty with your turn in of the petitions!

      2. that’s crap, he alone in a whole room of testifiers told a senator she was full of it, that her stupid bill was idiotic and punitive for no good reason. he has the guts, and he will leave no one standing at debate time. count on it.

  3. Fights-beauty queen-less masculine-young looking- What gives??? I want somebody who knows the issues and works hard…geeezzz

  4. Abdnor, Daschle and Tim Johnson didn’t exactly look like The Rock, either.

    They won plenty of elections. Dusty will, too.

  5. Running for congress is not the same as competing on American Idol. Who cares what they look like? And for the record, he looks just fine.

    1. Paul Tenhaken looks like he’s running to be on the Bachelor not mayor of Sioux Falls.

  6. Jim Abdnor was as nice of a man as I have ever known and never lost his Kennebec humility but he could rumble with the best of them. Often members of Congress are full of themselves and got condescendingly arrogant.

    Because Jim was so nice, when he said either of these two things, it cut the legs right off the person.

    “Nobody accused me of getting here because of my good looks” which he said to those who took an inordinate amount of pride in their looks.

    “Nobody accused me of getting here because I was glib” which he said to the person who talked too much as a way to dominate a situation.

    Which reminds me of something Sen. Paul Tsongas (D-MA) once said about his wife who was from South Dakota and making fun of his own looks and his speech impediment. “Thank God Nikki met me before she saw Jim Abdnor. I’d have never had a chance with that smooth talking Cary Grant* look-alike.”

    Jim laughed so hard Nancy Kassebaum (R-KS) who was next to him (and a very little lady) held him from falling on the ground. When he finally stopped guffawing, she straightened his glasses.

    * I actually don’t remember the movie star he said.

    1. Troy, no one cares about your incessant name dropping. If the only thing that makes you important is the people you know, you yourself don’t matter.

    2. Abnor didn’t look kid like or nerdy. He was normal just like Daschle and Johnson and Rounds etc

      1. Abdnor was a big-nosed Arab in a state of Germans and Scandinavians.

        But, in the end, South Dakotans are meritocratic and reward hard work, intelligence, common sense, and integrity. That is why Jim Abdnor and His protégés of Thune, Rounds, and Dusty succeed in politics.

  7. Mr. Dusty is competent. Mr. Jarrod Johnson was so incompetent he knew he had to bail to save face.

  8. The question to each candidate of their own opinion of their own personal greatest achievement in public and private life must be asked. Dusty as a PUC Commissioner and Chief of Staff, Shantel as a Legislator and Secretary of State and Tim B as an Attorney, Author and Judge. Their answers will tell volumes about them.

  9. Isn’t it amazing how many signatures a candidate can get from mere elevator rides?

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