Pink Mary Haugaard letter for the girls. Does that mean I’ll get a blue one from Steve Haugaard?

I couldn’t help but giggle a little when I saw this in my mailbox.

A letter in a pink envelope addressed to my wife, allegedly from Gubernatorial Candidate Steve Haugaard’s wife.  Despite the fact it’s coming from the campaign.

Of course it is. And adding to the awfulness, it was in blue text on matching pink paper:

Awful Mary Haugaard letter by Pat Powers on Scribd

And the coup de grâce? It had a recipe card enclosed, right after you read about how “Steve was voted into leadership by his peers based upon their confidence in him, not by paying them off.”  I’m not sure who in their right mind would suggest this to the candidate.  It comes off as a new level of patronizing, which isn’t necessarily a good thing for a candidate who has already been accused of misogyny.

At this point in time, really, why does my wife need or remotely want to hear from Mary Haugaard?  If she gets a pink letter, does that mean I’ll get a blue one from Steve for the boys?

I’m quite sure Dr. Powers is quite capable of making a judgement about Steve Haugaard based on his positions and policy statements, as opposed to getting an awful campaign letter claiming to be from his wife.

Remember.. it’s almost over.

12 thoughts on “Pink Mary Haugaard letter for the girls. Does that mean I’ll get a blue one from Steve Haugaard?”

  1. Wow! That hurt my eyes! Who are the people advising these candidates and their idiotic mailers and even worse – their policy statements? These “campaign managers” should be taken out and flogged. Or better yet, be forced to read/view all of the truly bad campaign letters and postcards from across the state while placing the even worse campaign signs in their front yard! Geez!

  2. They are aware they’re campaigning in 2022 and not 1952, right? They aren’t the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket.

  3. That tripe was awful in 1992. It was patronizing garbage. Seriously? a recipe card for hamburger helper? ugh. It’s embarrassing that it came from someone in our party. What issues does Haugaard think the voters are looking at? I’m thinking he’s wrong … we’ll find out soon. oh, btw, I wear pantyhose & skirts sometimes, but I don’t need people to tell me when to wear them.

    1. You plebeian, that’s not hamburger helper it’s une quiche au boeuf.

      Given the way French words are pronounced here, though, it probably sounds like quitchy-aw-boofey.

  4. LOL!!! Seriously — she finished her letter with: “Vote Steve Haugaard. It will be good for you!”

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