Pischke/Frye-Mueller attempt to go after Schoenbeck yet again. And fail yet again.

In the middle of legislative proceedings, again, Senators Pischke and Frye-Mueller attempted a nutty motion to convene a committee on discipline and expulsion to attack Senator Lee Schoenbeck for “Disparaging comments,” again, as part of the investigation of JFM for her creepy comments to a legislative employee.

Predictably, it died for lack of a second. Again.

I have the feeling those two chuckleheads are not going to be invited back to caucus anytime soon.

23 thoughts on “Pischke/Frye-Mueller attempt to go after Schoenbeck yet again. And fail yet again.”

  1. Genuine procedural question. Why can’t Fryemuller make the motion Pischke second it? Is it because the “comments” were directed towards Fryemuller and therefore she has a conflict of interest?

    1. As was noted yesterday,

      Anonymous says:
      March 6, 2023 at 3:08 pm
      The motion under S8-1, required two Senators. As makers of the motion, they could not second their own motion.

    2. This is about the comments Schoenbeck made about ALL South Dakotans who are concerned about election integrity. There were over 40+ formal complaints written against Schoenbeck regarding his nasty, disrespectful, and defamatory insults he made on the senate floor, repeatedly. It’s all on video so this article needs to be corrected because it’s patently false. He used disgusting language to insult thousands of South Dakotans, and frankly, he should be removed from all committees at the very least.

      I will follow up on the correction of this article regarding what the motion was really about in regards to Schoenbeck’s speech where he verbally insulted THOUSANDS of South Dakotans repeatedly & attacked our first amendment rights to free speech.

      1. I bet those 40 complaints were; 34 from Julie FM who doesn’t care about her constituents, 4 from Pischke, and 2 from disgruntled Democrat lobbyists. They are the only ones I ever hear complaining. I am glad someone stands up to these extreme right wing and left wing nuts.

      2. Will you be following up as your “Amy” identity, your “Mike” Identity, your “Bill” identity, your “Mary” identity, your “Taft” identity, your “TheFUTURE” identity, or you will be picking a new identity to troll us from?

        1. “Troll” is the proper term for multi-personality Amy. Wonder who he/she will be tomorrow. Stay tuned.

      3. you bring us actual thousands of people and then we’ll talk. your hyperbole can’t be taken to the bank in this form.

      4. Three years later and no damn proof of any of the fraud you’re claiming. Shut up and quit dragging the GOP name through the mud. That is unless election deniers are Democrat plants.

      5. Schoenbeck called them wackadoodles. A quick internet search of the term reveals that a wackadoodle is “an eccentric or fanatical person.”
        At the time, most South Dakotans were unaware of how loony these people in Pierre are.
        If the deadbeat dad and the lactation consultant want to pursue this, all they will do is provide proof that Schoenbeck’s assessment of their sanity was spot on. He nailed it. They really are wackadoodles.

        It’s not slander if it’s true.

        1. God created human beings in His own image and endows us all with unalienable rights. Abusive epithets bear false witness against other people by dehumanizing them. Those epithets may or may not constitute slander under civil law, but they’re never true.

            1. I wouldn’t call it dehumanizing, but I can see how even friendly advice might be interpreted as criticism.

              1. Talking about having someone suck on your boobs while your husband leers at the person you are speaking to is “friendly advice” now. Lovely.

              2. Ah yes, friendly advise that includes “Vaccines cause Downs Syndrome or will kill your child.”

            2. To Anonymous at 5:27 and Anonymous at 6:30:

              The quotes Julie’s accuser attributes to her aren’t credible, and neither is the claim that Mike leered.

          1. God may have made us in His own image but He also gave us free will to make complete fools of ourselves.

            God also endowed us all with discernment. While Tom and Julie are exercising their God-given free will to make complete fools of themselves, the rest of us are using our God-given discernment to take notice.

            1. God works everything according to His will and hasn’t given us free will in the theological sense.

  2. By the way, Mr Powers wrote that they are “chuckleheads.” The internet definition of chucklehead is “a stupid person.”

    It’s not libel if it’s true.

  3. But what does this all say about the people who elected Frye-Mueller and Pischke?? Over and Over.

    1. Sadly some parts of the state must’ve grown up under powerlines or ate a lot of paint chips.

      1. the senate primary in District 25 was a cluster, thanks to Marsha Symens. We were all assured (by her) that she would run for re-election, and then she didn’t, stepping aside for Pischke at the last minute, which was apparently a plan those two had in place all along. Rave never had strong support and didn’t seem interested in campaigning, but had lined up all the biggest endorsements, and Heinemann jumped in way too late to get any momentum. The two of them helped Pischke win the primary and then tve Democrats didn’t bother to run a candidate.
        If Symens hadn’t screwed us over with her lies and machinations we would not be in the place we are now.

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