Release: Law Enforcement Stand with Jackley in New Statewide Ad

Law Enforcement Stand with Jackley in New Statewide Ad

PIERRE, SD: In a new statewide TV ad launched this week, sheriffs tell South Dakota that Attorney General Marty Jackley is the best choice for governor.

“He’s certainly the only candidate for governor that’s tackled crime head-on,” said Yankton County Sheriff Jim Vlahakis. “That’s why so many in law enforcement are standing with him now—because we know the kind of governor he will be.”

In a growing wave of support from the law enforcement community, Jackley has received endorsements from 62 of 66 county sheriffs across South Dakota.

“I look for someone who’s going to be conservative and has a thumb on the heartbeat of the whole state,” said Butte County Sheriff Fred Lamphere. “He’s cowboy enough to be governor.”

The ad also features Corson County Sheriff Keith Gall and Faulk County Sheriff Kurt Hall.

“I’ve come to know and respect men and women from every county in this state who put on the uniform and protect South Dakota,” Jackley said. “It’s been a privilege to work with them as attorney general, and I will be a tireless advocate for law enforcement as governor.”

Watch the new statewide ad on youtube here or on facebook here.


20 thoughts on “Release: Law Enforcement Stand with Jackley in New Statewide Ad”

  1. Funny that his female opponent is more of a ‘Cowboy’ than he is. Having a family farm doesn’t mean squat if you’ve never had to run it. I’ll pass on Mr. Lawschool

    1. Disgraceful. You should be ashamed.

      Trump went a long way standing with Cops. I hope Jackley and Noem both back our boys in blue.

          1. Explain the abuse she endured, then provide me with examples of similar situations in that the outcome was an abuse conviction. Tiffany was not abused, you don’t get to control the narrative.

            1. Ok the comment that started this thread is way too broad….

              even if Abdullah abused Ms Campbell (which is in dispute), by her own account it was years ago, long before Jackley appointed him to board for paroles.

              I do believe SOMEONE should be held accountable for the 1.2M verdict though.

              I don’t understand the last line about possessions out of the ditch????please explain that

              1. Disputed by whom? Not me or many others including police officers and attorneys. Tiffany was not abused. She made bad choices, she needs to hold herself accountable for that.

      1. Inappropriate at best. Full stop.

        She doesn’t have a voice? She couldn’t say no to meeting in a bar? No to the “unwanted sexual advances”. Take responsibility for your own actions. She is weak and plays the victim card, it gets her no sympathy from me. I’ve had to tell many men they’ve crossed a line, it’s not that difficult if you have a backbone.

  2. Very good ad…having the support of law enforcement is important.

    There are many aspects to the job of being Governor and AG and makes for a well rounded candidate.

    Also a lot of variety in locations, not the big city sheriffs either…salt of the earth types…I like that

  3. It scares me that Jackley’s able to get so much support despite his dismal performance as AG. It’s time for change in Pierre.

    1. Why isn’t Brasell already running a TV ad featuring Zylstra Kaiser and Tiffany Campbell? If the Noem camp doesn’t snap out of their coma soon, they’re going to mess around and lose this thing.

  4. I want to know why meth related crimes have increased and they’re still endorsing Jackley?

    1. I have heard Marty has talked about trying to reform SB70 as Governor as he knows it is a dud…so they are probably holding out hope for that….

  5. Another thought is Ravnsborg in the AG’s race has to be loving all these commercials Marty is running saying how important the Sheriffs’ endorsements are…subtly reinforcing if the current AG thinks it is important then it should be important for the next AG to be supported by law enforcement also…free spillover effect

  6. So when it says “15 Comments” and “15 Replies” but we can only see seven, does that mean Pat has deleted eight pro-Noem comments?

    1. Someone who thought they could spread lies, control the narrative and manipulate language was politely asked to leave.

      1. The only way to “control the narrative” is by silencing opposing views, which is what Pat Powers constantly does.

        But if Noem and Brasell want to sponsor this blog anyway, I guess it’s on them.

    2. It means it went off topic, including saying some things that were darn near libelous. It’s not a rant forum.

      1. Those comments were dead-center on topic, Pat. Lying comes as naturally to you as breathing.

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