Release: Shorma to seek re-election to South Dakota House

Shorma to seek re-election to South Dakota House

William “Bill” Shorma is excited to announce his 2024 bid for Re-election to District 17 House of Representatives. Shorma and his wife Marcie live in Dakota Dunes, and are involved in the S. Union County communities and Clay County towns as well. Shorma has started and managed companies who employ over 600 employee’s in South Dakota and Bill and Marcie currently own a Manufacturing Company in Springfield SD that employs 50-60 people year around.

Shorma serves on the House Commerce and Energy, Transportation and Military and Veterans Affairs committees. While in the Senate in 2016, Shorma served on the Health and Human Services, Transportation, and Commerce and Energy Committee’s. Shorma’s has also learned from his 50 years in Business, through his leadership on Boards of Directorships with his Church, serving on the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and serving on Family Business Co.’s Boards, all that provided experience for service In the the South Dakota House of Representatives.

4 thoughts on “Release: Shorma to seek re-election to South Dakota House”

  1. Hmmmmm

    The only bill he was the prime sponsor for was HB1134 and it was kicked to the curb in committee 12-0.

    1. So to be effective, a legislator has to bring a lot of bills and get them passed?? I disagree. You want more rules and regulations to live with and to complain about? We do not need more dumb, time wasting bills every year.

  2. Isn’t he the one that said on the floor, during the housing infrastructure bill, that he wants to bring in illegal immigrants?

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