Republican Legislative Candidates outnumber Dem candidates 3-1

Whoof. This does not appear to be a good year for Democrat Legislative chances.

Democrats filed for 44 Legislative Candidates by the end of the day today. To Republicans’ 154 – almost 50 more than there are legislative seats to be had.

And some of those Democrats are obvious placeholders.

Keep reading, as there will be more to come on this.

11 thoughts on “Republican Legislative Candidates outnumber Dem candidates 3-1”

  1. Once the list of candidates is final, will you do another district-by-district analysis of the races, similar to the one you published earlier in March? I appreciate what you do.

  2. I didn’t realize they ran candidates anymore and figured they were just a peition filing ballot measure group.

      1. If you aren’t familiar with the term, candidates can get signatures to be on the ballot, and then withdraw at a later date (after the primary) and the local party committee can replace them.

        In effect, it gives them more time to find someone who has a better chance of winning.

        1. Thanks Pat.

          Isn’t two years enough time to find a viable candidate, without playing a game to get a “placeholder” on the ticket?

  3. Anyone see Jamie Smith’s less than confident tweet regarding his petitions? I’m not sure he’s sure he’ll make the ballot.

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