Rick Weible in with quotes of the day on conspiracy theories.

From today in the Dakota Scout:

“Transparency is the inoculation to conspiracy theories.”
– Rick Weible to the Minnehaha County Commission.

Also Rick Weible:

“The fact is that I’ve now shown you this piece of evidence, I understand that my life is at risk, and that the United States does not want this to be known.”
– Rick Weible, March 19, 2024 to the Brookings County Commission.

Rick must know that they’re watching him..

26 thoughts on “Rick Weible in with quotes of the day on conspiracy theories.”

  1. He may not believe it, but the feds are not interested in such a small fish. What a nutcase.

  2. The comments here reflect a profound misunderstanding of what was built with trillions of missing DOD dollars post 9/11.

    Everyone has been targeted .. an artificial life form is thought to be outside the scope and purview of our laws.

    It is capable of watching everyone, everything, in real time and making heuristics based judgement calls about when and why to raise flags.

    The vast majority of targeted people won’t know or have the opportunity to contest the results of these activities.

    It doesn’t matter what Rick says or does .. this will persist and those serving the system will continue making vapid excuses to the informed.

    1. Oh SHUT UP you self aggrandizing schizophrenic. Your shtick is tired and your programming skills are hot garbage. Go away.

    2. John are all the windows and nail holes in the wall covered? Is the rental you live in protected by a giant improvised Faraday cage? Do you have a radio on at all times to provide background noise to counter microphones that could be hidden?

    3. That is really neato, Mr. Dale. Intriguing as the dickens. Your idea fascinates me.

      Do you think, perhaps, that this “artificial life form” might just be watching not only Mr. Weible, but also Mr. Zitterich and perhaps even grudznick?

  3. I thought the Wobble quote was insightful. He creates and spreads a nutty theory, and then taxpayers need to spend money and do extra work – to inoculate the system from Rick Wobble’s fake theories!
    Or. He could move two miles east – back across the line to Minnesota
    In his short time in our state, voters have rejected him and his wife at ballot box, and the three counties that voted on his conspiracy all said NO THANKS.
    Please go home Rick

    1. As long as he moves east. If he moved to the western edge of south dakota, he would be a frontrunning candidate. Seriously, out there it is a contest to “out crazy” the next guy.

      1. I don’t think that most legislative races get random DC pacs to spend a bunch of money in South Dakota. That race had much less to do with Jake than it had to do with a bunch of DC money to avenge his father that never lost a legislative race. Jake is a good guy, and if he runs again, I will personally put money and sweat equity into his next race if he so chooses.

          1. Yes I guess South Dakotans and DC wants the schonbeck’s out of politics, we don’t blame them !

  4. Is this Trent Loos another extreme right media talking head? He has accused the Governor of North Dakota of lying about elections are secure there?

    1. sure. go ahead and google yourselves for fun. since you all missed trump making an instant
      crime organization where the gop used to be, i can’t expect that any of you will deep dive into 1. the unlimited powers handed to trump by scotus this week, or 2. the avalanch of data revealing trump’s ties to jeffrey epstein, in just-released
      grand jury filings, added to the stalled prosecutions for revealing top secret data,
      or oh yeah THE INSURRECTION.
      it has made maga happy to derive the sensations of power from gleefully allying with trump in spite of every danger sign. with the court ruling, the us constitution won’t protect average citizens ever again. a truckload of FAFO is coming to every house in america. it’s way worse than even john dale can conceive, so don’t abuse him please.

      1. enquirer, why don’t you do a deep dive yourself into the dictatorship of the POTUS who declared he had no use for the legislative branch of government when he said “I’ve got a phone and I’ve got a pen” and showed he had no use for the judicial branch of government when he ordered the executions of two US citizens, one of whom was a minor. He had them both killed in separate drone strikes and got away with it because they were on foreign soil. No prosecutors, lawyers, judges or juries required. All they had to do was leave the country. Anwar and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki were not good people, but if they had not gone to Yemen they would have been afforded due process.
        That same former POTUS is holding Joe Biden’s puppet strings.

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