Rounds for Senate 2023 Year End FEC Report: $57k raised, $93k spent, $1.5m cash on hand.

Also filing their year end report is US Senator Mike Rounds, who is not set for a race until 2026:

Rounds for Senate 2023 YE FEC by Pat Powers

Rounds puts up $57,363.05 in fundraising against $92,926.54 in expenses, leaving him with $1,504,246.74 in the bank as seed money for his next race.

One thought on “Rounds for Senate 2023 Year End FEC Report: $57k raised, $93k spent, $1.5m cash on hand.”

  1. I was excited to talk with him a while back about the possibility of him returning as governor. SD needs good people like him, Noem and Rhoden at the helm.

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