Rounds Issues Statement on President Biden’s Executive Actions Expanding Obamacare and Attacking Life

Rounds Issues Statement on President Biden’s Executive Actions Expanding Obamacare and Attacking Life

U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) issued the following statement today on executive actions taken by President Joe Biden to expand Obamacare and allow taxpayer dollars to be spent to fund overseas abortions:

“We’ve spent the last four years fighting to roll back government overreach in private healthcare and protect the sanctity of human life. In the early days of the Biden presidency, we are watching some of our progress be destroyed.

“Obamacare led to higher premiums, fewer options for consumers and caused millions of Americans to lose the health insurance they preferred. We eliminated Obamacare’s individual mandate giving patients better control of their health insurance. Today’s steps to expand Obamacare are steps reversing our progress. They do not move us forward, only backward.

“Additionally, I am deeply disappointed in President Biden’s decision to overturn the Mexico City Policy. This decision will allow federal taxpayer dollars to be spent to fund abortions overseas. This is flat-out wrong – an attack on life anywhere is an attack on life everywhere.

“President Biden has said he wants to be a president for all Americans. But actions speak louder than words. These actions prove that he is only interested in furthering a left-wing agenda.”


18 thoughts on “Rounds Issues Statement on President Biden’s Executive Actions Expanding Obamacare and Attacking Life”

  1. Instead of being disappointed, how about some action. Every time President Trump put out an EO, he had some pipsqueak judge in Hawaii stopping him. It is time to become the opposition and to make every step this pretender takes an effort that is too much to be worth while. File the first lawsuit, please.

  2. Gee i do believe the former POTUS promised “Brand New Beautiful Health Care” about 2 dozen times and yet in reality all he and republicans did was to chisel away at it repeatedly WITHOUT a replacement….now when unemployment is about double what it was a year ago and even worse among us low income peoples and this virus is devastating the health of tens of thousands of citizens… it is beyond pale why anyone would NOT want to provide healthcare to the masses.

    1. Unemployment in SD is what? About 3%? If you are unemployed, you are not trying very hard. BTW, if you believe health care is expensive now, wait until it is free.

      1. The US spends a higher percentage of GDP on healthcare than any other country. Meanwhile, we rank 11th in health outcomes. There is no evidence that costs would be higher under a universal system.

        1. “There is no evidence that costs would be higher under a universal system.”

          If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor – lie

          If you like your plan you can keep your plan – lie

          The average American family will save over $2400/year in healthcare insurance premiums – lie

          Put the kool-aide down and just walk away.

          1. That’s not evidence of universal health care costing more, though. Just a bunch of talking points. Why not look at countries where universal care is fully implemented (like, virtually every other western democracy)? The Affordable Care Act was merely a step. We still have a mountain to climb.

            1. Talking points that are all fact. And maybe you should talk to some citizens of these other western countries about their healthcare…..I have… isn’t as great as YOU think.

  3. No, you spent the last 4 years pissing democracy down our collective leg. Now the majority has spoken, tossed your stupid ideas to the curb, and voted to turn the country around.

    1. Since the country was on an upward trend, you are right that the Pretender is turning the country around. Already, the price of gas has gone up .40/gallon since the election. Continually passing out $2000 to people who don’t need it will keep us turned around and go down.

      1. You also spent the last 4 years enabling the office of president to do whatever they want. It’s only a problem when the other guy does it?

      2. Dugger, you cannot argue with the left; they do not care about facts, honesty, integrity, freedom, responsibility and a litany of other things that made this a great country.

        People like Ike don’t believe in freedom; they want 1984 to come to about in this country.

        1. I know, but it is fun arguing with idiots. I just have to be careful to disengage before people cannot tell the difference.

          1. If you count the honest legal votes, Trump won. If the dems thought Biden truly won these questionable states, why did they fight so hard to prevent invrstigations into the vote irregularities? They know, and they know we the people know, and that is why they are scared of their own citizens.

    2. No, the Democrats spent the last 4 years trying to overturn a valid election; do you ever worry your little head about that, Ike? I doubt it. If you think that what the socialist in the White House is going to do is going to “turn the country around” you are even more ignorant than I have thought all along.

      1. Trump did it to himself. He was duly elected in ’16, then spent the next 4 years proving his complete un-fitness for the job. Any random republican politician would have done a million times better on immigration, pandemic response, jobs, education, healthcare, foreign policy… anything. Of course I’d still complain, but the point is Trump is simply human trash. The fact that Trump was the “best” you could put forward for national office speaks volumes.

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