SD House Majority Leader Will Mortenson: “When you’re throwing a rally featuring a self-described Nazi, you’re not a Republican.”

The battle lines for the hearts and minds of the South Dakota Republican Party are being drawn for what kind of Republican people want to identify as. Either you believe that Nazi’s are bad like House Majority Leader Will Mortenson, or you throw in with Toby Doeden, the person who built a rally around someone who is said to have described himself as one.

Doeden, who had never voted in a Republican Primary until this last June is claiming that “current state Republican leaders aren’t conservatives,” in connection with last night’s rally featuring alleged “black nazi” and porn site commenter Mark Robinson. And If you read one news story today, make sure that this is it.

South Dakota House Majority Leader Will Mortenson, R-Fort Pierre, condemned the event and called those hosting it non-Republicans.

“I spoke out against Nazis when they came to the Capitol this summer,” Mortenson said in a statement, referencing a June march in Pierre by a neo-Nazi group, “and don’t like them any better when they are in Sioux Falls. When you’re throwing a rally featuring a self-described Nazi, you’re not a Republican. You belong to a different party. There’s no room for Nazi sympathy in our party or in our state.”

Doeden considered but ultimately decided against challenging U.S. Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-South Dakota, in the June primary election. Doeden said he organized Tuesday’s event to celebrate the “America First conservatives” who won their June legislative primary elections, and to rally support for their general election campaigns.

Current state Republican leaders “aren’t conservatives,” Doeden alleged.

“They’re liberals that register as Republicans because they can’t get elected as Democrats,” he said. “These people are hacks. They’re clowns. They’re disgusting. I started my PAC to eradicate hacks like that from serving in the Legislature – period.”


About 150 people attended the Sioux Falls event, including some Republican state lawmakers and legislative candidates.

GO Read that here.

Universally condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike, the Doeden PAC event still appeared to have several people there who should know better, but seem to be held in thrall by Doeden’s checkbook and are attempting to suck up. In fact, SD Searchlight captured a bevy of them on a video posted to the story.

I’m immediately picking out State Rep. Brandei Schaefbauer, as well as D1 House Candidates Chris Reder and Logan Manhart in the foreground. It also looks as if Al Novstrup and Carl Perry may be at that table as well.

Is this what some who run under the SDGOP have come to? To cheer on and rally for the worst elements of the far right?

Keep in mind, they are not there to support the candidates and the goals of the Republican Party. They are there to benefit Toby Doeden’s PAC. A Political Action Committee led by a man – whose views might not have appeared on a porn website chatboard like Robinson’s are said to come from – but one whose views seem to mirror Mark Robinson’s:

 While he was publicly considering a challenge to Johnson, reporters called attention to some of Doeden’s social media posts. He encouraged the shooting of immigrants in gangs, used a profane insult to describe President Joe Biden, and labeled statistics about hatred of Jewish Americans as “fake.”

Also read that in the story.

If we can take solace in anything, it would be that there is hope that people’s better angels will ultimately reject this kind of trash rhetoric. As demonstrated by hte fact that Robinson continues to plummet in the polls, as reported yesterday.

A new Washington Post poll now has Stein ahead 54 percent to Robinson’s 38 percent, while a poll from East Carolina University has Stein at 50 percent to Robinson’s 33 percent.

Read that here.


Add Dylan Jordan (d4 candidate) and free-dumb caucus leader Aaron Aylward to the guest list of the event, as Jordan clucks with pride attending the event supporting the attack of Republicans.

7 thoughts on “SD House Majority Leader Will Mortenson: “When you’re throwing a rally featuring a self-described Nazi, you’re not a Republican.””

  1. The 2025 state legislative session will be a total shitshow. In my district alone, it’s a safe bet that all three of Doeden’s disciples will be in Pierre mostly on the anti-pipeline issue. They are the loudest voices in the room playing the victim card while demonizing anyone who questions them as “radical” or “communist”. Such a pathetic state of affairs.

  2. Given their poor choices should the public and news media refer to them going forward as members of the NAZI Party of SD?

    When the 2025 SD Legislative session begins there will be the

    SDGOP Caucus-closed to public
    SDDP Caucus-open to public
    Will the (NAZIS-SD) have their own caucus? If so, will it be open to the public?

    Lt Governor Mark Robinson (NAZI-NC)

    Lists will have to be updated to change party designation.

  3. Its time for the SD GOP to loudly call out these imbeciles and do whatever it can to support fundamental, conservatives with South Dakota values. Not that long ago, the SD GOP and its county committees used to have a process of selecting their very best candidates for public office. Now, its a race to see who can be the first to say “I’m more conservative than you” while burning down everything in their path. The SD GOP needs some true leadership fast, before this current fracture becomes a true break. Much like Anonymous, I have little faith that the 2025 SD Legislature will get much accomplished. Throw in a possible IM28 victory in November and the Legislature will truly be in a pickle to try to plug the massive funding hole. Get the popcorn ready, it should be a show indeed.

  4. Any way we can get confirmation of who attended? This seems right up Travis Ismay’s alley but I’m guessing he couldn’t afford a seat. It also follows a lot of odenbach’s rhetoric but maybe they couldn’t make the drive.

    1. Any individual who purchased a ticket will have to be named in campaign finance reports as the cost of the ticket was over the itemized limit. If Toby or DFA provided tickets for free to individuals they will have to itemize those amounts as in-kind donations.

      DFA has broke campaign finance laws in the past so I doubt those names, outside of a complaint being filed and acted upon, will ever be released.

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