SD State Legislator Kevin Jensen declares “real women” don’t need below the belt protective gear in contact sports

I’m just dumber for having read this.  Apparently Republican State Representative Kevin Jensen thinks “real women” have no nerve endings below the waist to protect in contact sports:

Since Kevin isn’t up on his basic female anatomy to go with his mansplaining, as the parent of 2 daughters with black belts in TKD, yes, girls wear protective gear in full contact sports, such as boxing, martial arts, hockey, etcetera and so on. If he can’t figure it out, he should ask his wife.

Jesus H, some legislators should have Facebook taken away.

33 thoughts on “SD State Legislator Kevin Jensen declares “real women” don’t need below the belt protective gear in contact sports”

  1. Kevin must have mistaken his inability to please a woman with a lack of nerve endings down there. C’est la vie.

  2. Wonderful to see a good joke on here in these troubling times. Unfortunately, people are elected for their popularity, not their intelligence. No one has ever accused politicians of being intelligent.

  3. These creepy weirdos just cannot help themselves. 2025 SD legislative session will include a bill for mandatory pant checking but will it be performed by a legislator? Will it include double checking the sex determination by a physician in an examining room?

  4. Oh gosh .. is it “can’t tell the truth about gender” season already?

    I still have my “we proved the SD voter roles are a mess” decorations up.

    1. Women still need to wear groin protection, you mouth breathing moron. The vagina is still very sensitive to punches, believe it or not. Do you actively TRY to produce the most brain dead takes?

  5. Respectfully, you’re missing the point.

    They’re trying to use this as “evidence” that this person is not a woman because of a genetic mutation. She was born a girl and has never transitioned, which is illegal where she lives.

    If you didn’t notice, our governor is embarrassing herself about the same woman, just like Jensen is. Maybe she should be put on blast too.

  6. I guess when I grew up, we called these girls “Tom boys”. They were born women and espoused many male traits including high testosterone. This boxer has always been a women. What the heck is wrong with these Republicans and their obsession with genitals?

  7. The same people that are obviously scientifically and medically illiterate are the same ones trying to shove the government down your pants in the name of their supposed morality. Vote accordingly.

  8. The same Kevin Jensen who claims to be a pro-2A legislator, unless you use medical marijuana, then the right to bear arms doesn’t apply to you? The same Kevin Jensen who supported the prison industry and growth, who suddenly claims to not be for the prison now that his neighbors see it going in their back yard? Is that the same guy? I am just shocked!

  9. Didn’t Jensen sit on the Health and Human Services at some point? Does he still? Lovely for the women of South Dakota that one of this committee’s members believes that women are incapable of experiencing vaginal trauma. Real nice leadership we got here. Lots of thoughts on things. The best thoughts, really.

  10. It’s embarrassing that he’s even in the legislature. His primary election was bought and paid for by AFP, and it’s a sure bet that he’ll support their voucher bill. Guy didn’t do anything to stop the prison or SB 201. He was probably too distracted doing “research” into subjects like this.

    1. What are you talking about? Kevin’s too stupid to read, the guy just parrots whatever AFP sticks in his mouth and what he hears on OAN

  11. Most of these comments are amazing. I thought this was a conservative blog. The science is XY is male XX is female no matter what anyone feels. Olympic committee should be legally held to account for the beatings female fighters are getting at the held of these XY fighters.

    1. I saw Jakob Ingebrightsen run a mile in 3 mins and 30 some seconds. I believe he beat all the fellow guys because he is actually a girl, they have less weight between their legs, a clear advantage. Google a picture of her, wearing earings and all. This is an attack on men, and I get to decide who is a boy and girl. Jakob is a girl, clearly look at the photo. Jesus has blessed me, and I am right, you are all wrong.

    2. And the boxer is XX, a female. She just looks manly so you clowns are bound and determined to make her out to be male. You are being held lies from your cult.

    3. Imane Khelif will not release test results of sex chromisomes. IBA Russian president, Umar Kremlev, claimed that DNA test results showed the two athletes (including Imane) have XY chromosomes, I also heard Imane has high testosterone levels. Would cup would not let Imane fight based on tests. I feel sorry for the intersex individuals because it must be a difficult life , however putting them in the rig with XX fighters is criminal.

      1. Ah yes, the Russians. The right wing information czars who aren’t trying to sow discord. No, they wouldn’t lie.

  12. Served in state Legislature for 6 years, with Kevin Jensen, two of those as desk mates in Whip positions. I thought I knew him well and l liked him. Then one day he had an archery bill that I voted against in State affairs and his bill was killed there. After that Kevin only spoke to me when he had to. So much for brotherly love and Christian behavior. I tried shaking his hand at Past State Convention and it was a big effort on his part to even do that. As far as his ludicrous comment of woman protection below the belt; I know Kevin knows better than that, he surely is being mis quoted or set up.

    1. How can you know he “knows better than that” did you guys take a sex ed class together or something? It is really tough to “misquote” a Facebook status post. I would tend to conclude it isn’t a quote at all, it’s a message right from him. I’m sure he can claim “Lib Media” or “I was hacked” as to why he said this, but we all know it’s the message the right wing media is spewing. I highly doubt an islamic country would send a trans person to represent them. Was your message a sarcastic joke, I haven’t seen that from you, but if so, nice work, it was funny!

  13. Why do we keep electing weirdos like this guy. What does he contribute to the political discussion except chaotic craziness. His longevity says something disturbing about the electorate.

  14. I had no idea there was such a level of disdain for Mr. Jensen. I also had no idea that South Dakotans would be so up in arms about a fighting topic. I love to see it! We have great wrestlers here, many seasoned military veterans, and some of the best BJJ, TKD, and Karate instructors in the midwest, fighting should be a very popular topic among us.
    However, if it’s not your strongsuit, I’d suggest not touching the topic at all. It kind of goes with the territory: don’t argue with fighters.

    1. What?

      Let’s start looking at your list:
      1. Great wrestlers? Who? We have some greats from the 80’s, but besides Logan Storely, and one other from NE, I don’t know any that have earn AA Division 1 status in the last 20 years. I may be forgetting some, but we just really fell apart as a wrestling state.
      2. Seasoned military veterans…..seasoned with garlic salt? I don’t know how to define this.
      3. BJJ – very few that I have seen
      4. TKD and Karate – I don’t see any from SD on our national team for the Olympics.

      This doesn’t appear to be your strong suit, follow your own advice.

      1. 1. You… you’ve been following SDSU’s success, right? Have you seen what Hahn is accomplishing? Wake up, dude. We went from non D1 to a top 15 wrestling school.

        2. South Dakota has some of the highest military service rates in the country. This is easily researchable if you care to look.

        3. We have a world champ, a masters world champ, 7 mma fighters in the UFC from a single Sioux Falls gym.

        TKD is a sport made to separate soccer moms from their money, so dont care.

        For being educated on this topic, you sure know very little.

        1. 1. You said “South Dakotans”, not a university that is here full of MN and IA wrestlers. Wake up and read your own statement. Besides Storely and Kokesh, who was the last D1 AA for wrestling from SD?
          2. Military service is a job, I don’t know what you are getting at here. You think they are all somehow combat fighters? You watched too many movies and never served, obviously.
          3. As does every other state, sorry this isn’t special, branch out a bit and you’ll see. Google the top training Gym’s in every major area and they have the same stats, if not better.
          4. You mentioned TKD and Karate, now it doesn’t matter since your claim is obviously false.

          Your overconfidence and lack of knowledge makes you look ignorant.

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