SDGOP August FEC Report: State Republican Party only raised $278 in Federal Account during July.

Remember my post a short time ago noting that the SDGOP’s Confederate caucus is having some meeting in a few weeks to go over demands they’re going to make on the party for their fall effort?

It sounds like they’re not going to accomplish a darn thing except talking and talking and wasting the day if you look at their agenda:

Ballot Propositions Discussion
• Purpose
• Goal
• Action Plan
• List of ballot propositions: (They list all of the ballot measures, one by one by one.)

Strategy/Coordination of Key Races
• Public Utilities Commissioner
• Other

Read that here.

It’s so cute how they talk about an “action plan.”  Because if you look at the monthly FEC Report that was just filed by the Republican Party, I don’t think there’s enough money to pay for any action:

SDGOP 2024 AugustFEC Federal by Pat Powers on Scribd

I don’t see that any of the people who were calling this meeting on the list of people who donated.   And as they’re going to find out, almost nobody else’s name is on the list, either. When groups rant on about too many people being under the Republican tent, and they need to kick people out of the Republican Party, what happens when they get their wish? A State Republican Party that 4 months before the election only raises $278.

$278.43 raised, $7705.26 spent, $49943.19 cash on hand.   At that burn rate, the party has about 6-7 months left, and that’s spending the bare minimum. Throw some campaign expenditures in there, and it’s going to be gone much faster than that.

A donation for $250, a donation for $25, and 3.43 in interest is not a sustainable model.  We’d be even further into it if they had been able to hold TAR camp this year. County GOP groups are holding on to their cash, statewide candidates are not going to send in cash that might be used against them if there’s a takeover, And the state party is left unable to support it’s candidates.

$278.43.. wow.  To put it in perspective, I spent about that last week to have a few comic books professionally pressed and cleaned for my collection (first world problems, I know).    This is not a good situation. SDGOP fundraising has been brought to a near-halt by agenda driven groups who have no interest in the fact that “a rising tide lifts all ships,” and are more concerned with attacking “the establishment,” and wanting to force the GOP off the road.

At this rate, they’ll have their wish by the time of the next State Party officer election.

15 thoughts on “SDGOP August FEC Report: State Republican Party only raised $278 in Federal Account during July.”

  1. I predict the primaries will cease to exist. I have been in communication today with two advocates of open primaries and they ended up telling me the legislature is going to have to figure this out.

    On the question of Precinct Committee men and women, the SDDP selects theirs at closed caucuses. The SDGOP has them run for the positions on the primary ballot. Will the SDDP be forced to put them into the primary, or will the SDGOP just switch to closed caucuses? They, and all the other county central committee members (who are also selected in closed meetings,) are the ones who go to state conventions, which are also for members only, to select the nominees for the constitutional offices.

    If the selection process for party nominations is up to the party, then what is to stop both parties from opting out?

  2. Nutjobs like Stu Cvrk, Jim Eschenbaum, Klipfel and Shawn Tornow have made it so people don’t want to attend the SDGOP state central committee meetings. They have also made it so donors don’t want to give to the party. Congratulations to the Confederate Caucus! Have fun at your sedition meeting in Oacoma. I hope they have a plan to raise $250K to pay for candidate slate cards, digital ads, field directors and GOTV efforts. If not, we can plan on having fewer Republicans in the legislature and ballot measures passing to allow abortions up till birth and jungle primaries. Can someone post the list of traitors who have spent the last year killing the party?

  3. Heck, the Conservatives with Common Sense Breakfasting Fund takes in more than that every month just from the people who put in the hat after the Opening Rant. Of course we spend a great deal on extra sausage gravy for the members, but…golly.

  4. Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for a partisan primary? These county committees pick who that want, D20 for example, they don’t care about the voters, they care about their agenda.
    The open primary is looking better and better all the time.

    1. Yes it is. Voters who favor common sense, respectful discourse, and competent governance over wacko extremism on either side fully understand how the open primary system will favor and elevate the best candidates to the general elections — regardless of party affiliation. It’s high time to get rid of the wackos and wing nuts that have already decimated our legislature.

      1. Your hope open primaries will “elevate” is a fantasy. You’ve been trying to disenfranchise the malcontents who you call nut jobs etc and this is your last option before you think up another means to get the results you want. You not only are no better than those you despise, you have become them.

    2. The open primary advocates do not understand how county central committee members are elected, how candidates for constitutional offices are nominated, or how candidates are replaced after the primaries. .

      When I asked the people who are promoting open primaries, “what is to stop them from opting out of the primary?” one said “the legislature will have to rewrite all the election laws” and the other said “the legislature will have to figure it out.”

      The state central committee can change the bylaws at the next meeting and opt out of primaries altogether. The counties can elect their precinct committee people at the same closed meetings they elect their officers, the way the Democrats do. They can select their district senate and house candidates using the same process they use now to replace candidates. And all statewide candidates, including the Governor, US Congressman and US Senators, at the state convention.
      The state central committee can change the party bylaws any time they want.
      The non-affiliated voters who have never participated in the party or the primaries seem to be unaware of this..

  5. Pathetic. Has Reggie Rhoden been hired to raise money?? Or to manage the Party’s overall campaigns? I’m not blaming him. Tom Batcheller is not an insurgent type. He’s a loyal Party member who gives every year to the Party and its’ candidates. He does so out of lifetime loyalty to the GOP. The insurgents have created exactly 0 new financial resource for the Party to achieve its’ goals. 0.

  6. I’m sorry, but I will not donate to the SD GOP. I give to the candidates who I can trust to vote for the good of SD citizens. As long as the state GOP is backing Howdy, Thune, Rounds, and the other liberal Democrat @$$ kissers, I will not contribute to the party. I am still totally p.o. that Justin McNeil is not on the ballot. I do not believe the “random sample” was random. Once, maybe, but not both times, he submitted petitions! That stinks to high heaven! The “elite” fear Howdy would lose, so they would rather cheat than have an honest election. I still believe Taffy Howard won the last election, but the machines were rigged in Howdy’s favor. Even when the West River counties started coming in, the percentages did not change. When the results for Pennington County were showing, and the auditor said no numbers had been submitted, we knew something was rotten in Pierre, and it wasn’t the manure at the stockyards! We need hand counting in every county and no more electronic tabulators ever!

    1. Remember everyone: this guy’s vote counts the same as yours. This conspiracy addled idiot has a vote worth MORE than yours if you dont show up. Vote, people. Because this moron will.

      1. they should allow write-in vote casting, for people who can’t even spell their chosen candidate’s name correctly.

        imagine the fun that will be for the county auditors!

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