SDGOP makes statement on Haugaard “whore” speech on House Floor

This morning, a post has been made on the SDGOP website where the State Republican Party has made a statement on the Haugaard speech which generated a firestorm for the gubernatorial challenger:

SDGOP Statement on Rep. Steve Haugaard’s remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives

The South Dakota Republican Party’s Executive Board issued a statement tonight condemning State Representative Steve Haugaard’s remarks made on the floor of the House of Representatives. “The language used by Rep. Haugaard to depict a Native American woman and the results of her drug addiction do not reflect the values of the Republican Party.”

Read it here.

That’s pretty remarkable that the State GOP’s executive board would issue a rebuke of a legislator, which is a hint as to how egregious that Haugaard referring to a woman as a whore is viewed.

7 thoughts on “SDGOP makes statement on Haugaard “whore” speech on House Floor”

  1. So, I’m confused. Is the SD GOP against prostitution and drug abuse and grooming, or are they against true self describing statements about these things?

    Honestly, this is .. kind of a nice opportunity for discernment.


    1. It’s about decorum and civility… unlike some of the comments here or on Twitter/Facebook.

    2. yes it’s as if they have never seen those “faces of meth addiction” photos that have been on billboards, in magazines, etc.
      If you want to see a bunch of “wrung out whores” you can do an internet search of the “faces of meth addiction.” What you will see are a whole lot of “wrung out whores.” Haugaard stated the obvious, and everybody has lost their minds.

  2. It takes huge courage criticize someone who has 0% chance to win.

    I’d be more impressed if they had the same standards for those in office.

  3. If Haugaard has learned anything from Noem or Trump it is to never admit fault or wrong doing. We will see how well he has learned from them.

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