Senate Bill 175 under siege by House Appropriations? Now, back on the schedule for a public hearing.

Revisiting the mystery disappearance of Senate Bill 175, I was having a e-mail exchange with a legislator last night, trying to figure out where this bill went, and was given this interesting tidbit:

The House ne’er-do-wells are apparently holding the Gun Range Bill (SB 175) hostage, as a tool to hold in ransom during the final midnight hours when we’re setting the budget.  That’s what most of us are thinking.  The bill has not yet been placed on the House Approps calendar although it was read in the House way back on the 23rd.


But even more interesting is that *if by magic,* the Shooting Sports Complex SB 175 has been added to the schedule, and will be heard tomorrow between 3-5 PM in room 362.

Make sure you show up, and don’t be afraid to make your voice heard to House Appropriations Members:

House Appropriations Committee Members:
Karr, Chris (R); – [email protected]
(Committee Chairman, District 11 Sioux Falls, Running in 2022)
Duba, Linda (D); – [email protected]
(District 15, Sioux Falls, Running in 2022)
Fitzgerald, Mary (R); – [email protected]
(District 31, Spearfish/Deadwood, Running in 2022)
Gross, Randy (R); – [email protected]
(Will be running in District 25, Flandreau/Dell Rapids, running in 2022)
Haugaard, Steven (R); – [email protected]
(Term Limited, Sioux Falls. Running against Kristi Noem for Governor)
Howard, Taffy (R); – [email protected]
(District 33, Rapid City. Running for Congress against Dusty Johnson)
May, Liz (R); – [email protected]
(District 27, Bennett, Jackson, Pennington, Oglala Lakota Counties. May be running in 2022. Hearing rumors.)
Mills, John (R); – [email protected]
(Will be running in District 8, Brookings, Kingsbury, Lake, Miner Counties. Will be running in 2022)
Mulally, Tina (R) – [email protected]
(District 35, Rapid City/Pennington County. Will be Running in 2022)

13 thoughts on “Senate Bill 175 under siege by House Appropriations? Now, back on the schedule for a public hearing.”

  1. I don’t know why anybody would care about this, don’t they have enough stuff to shoot at out there?

  2. There is something called “process” in every State legislature and Congress which (why is the POTUS calling for this freedom to vote act when his team owns it all?) rules ongoing structural business in the political field. Break that trust and a Banana Republic type of institution appears.
    South Dakota is a great place to do business and the greatest place of business is the South Dakota State Capital. Let’s all make sure it stays that way.

  3. Already know it won’t make it out of committee. Most of the people on that committee will vote against it just because the governor wants it. Kind of sad to see the bad side of government.

  4. Issue aside, this is Collectively the most incompetent group of legislators to ever serve together on House Appropriations. What was leadership thinking when they made those assignments?

    1. This is collectively the most incompetent group of legislators to ever serve together on in the House Appropriations.

      Fixed your comment.

  5. I tried to listen to all of the testimony.
    But I fell asleep.
    As is usual with such testimonies, the people who give them talk too much, in this case about how much they enjoy shooting sports and spending time outdoors, which hardly seems the point.
    And I don’t believe anybody is really going to drive five hours from Huron to go there.
    So moving on from pointless and ridiculous, there was some pertinent information: the current location for shooting is on Beretta Road and it’s turned into a toxic waste dump for old TVs, monitors, refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers. They already have a good location for shooting; the real problem is that it has turned into a dump.
    That’s what happens to outdoor gun ranges; they turn into locations to dump “e-waste” because nobody knows what else to do with those items. Most landfills won’t take them, or if they do, they charge a disposal fee.
    It can be predicted that no matter how much money is appropriated to establish a gun range at another location, it will also become a dump.
    Perhaps a better solution is to appropriate a grant to have Echoworks clean up the Beretta Road location. Just a thought

  6. How about the legislators work on something that helps everyone like property tax relief rather than a high end ‘sport complex’? Our property tax just went up 31.85% from last year and we haven’t improved our house a third in value by any stretch.

    Even with a high end shooting range, the rednecks are still going to shoot TVs and appliances.

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