Senate holding meeting today to investigate conduct claim against Republican leaders Langer, Greenfield

Listening to the Senate Interim Investigation Committee being held today to investigate the conduct allegations against Republican leaders Kris Langer and Brock Greenfield.

Right now, they’re replaying the video from the final day of session which gave rise to the claims against the Senators.

I’m going to keep it in the background to monitor.. we’ll see what they come up with.

11 thoughts on “Senate holding meeting today to investigate conduct claim against Republican leaders Langer, Greenfield”

  1. How about we list questions we would like asked. Feel free to add in

    TO Senators Greenfield & Langer:
    1. Did you have any alcoholic beverages during the Veto Day session?
    2. If so, how many?
    3. What beverages did you have?
    4. Would you say you were intoxicated?
    5. What did you have to eat that day?
    6. Did you drink at the capitol?
    7. Who was with you when you were drinking?
    8. Whom did you observe drinking?
    9. Where were you drinking?
    10. Do you believe your conduct was appropriate and/or did you observe any other public officials conduct you would say was inappropriate and can you tell us why?

    1. The only question that should be asked is:

      Sen. Jensen, did you witness Sen. Greenfield and Sen. Langer in a state of intoxication on the night in question? Were you physically present with them to determine this?

      1. can you write me a bill that outlaws all actions of state government, and require that any lawmaker voting ‘no’ to the bill be banned forever from the legislature? i call this an ‘effectiveness litmus test.’

      2. So why is Sen Jensen the only one important? So the comments by Majority Leader Qualm are not important….just because you don’t like the messenger Jensen…doesn’t mean they were not drunk.

        1. Anon at 1:50
          Jensen wasn’t there. The other two Senators may or may not have been drunk; what is indisputable is that Senator Jensen wasn’t there to witness anything, ‘

          There is no reason at all for him to testify.

    2. More questions:
      Who dropped the senators off at the Capitol after they were away?
      Where were you when you were away from the Capitol?
      Were you at a lobbyist’s hospitality house?
      Were other lobbyists with you? (Yes and they should call those lobbyists as witnesses)
      Was Larry Rhoden with you? (Yes and he should be called as a witness)
      Why does your lawyer want to limit people’s testimony?
      Did you drive away from the Capitol that night?

      This committee is weak. It seems so far like they really don’t want answers and would rather cut a deal behind the scenes which Jackley is already trying to do.

      And if Jackley wants to put witnesses under oath, then Greenfield and Langer should be placed under oath and testify.

      1. Oh yes and

        1. Do you know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?
        2. Is it true you were the second gunman in Dealey Plaza?
        3. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
        4. Why is Justin Bieber still a thing?

        And …

        5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (Hey you woodchucks. Quit chucking my wood!)

  2. When Greenfield said “we didn’t indulge” was that the truth, or did he lie to the senate?

  3. Three thoughts crossed my mind, first, If anybody really thought they were intoxicated, how did they leave the capital building that morning? Did anybody take their car keys? Offer them rides to their respective lodgings?
    The second thought that crossed my mind is that Jensen engaged in something along the lines of witness or jury tampering by emailing videos to the committee members.
    Which brings me to the third thought: while sobriety is always an option for people with drinking problems, there is no 12 step recovery from stupidity

  4. This is a smear campaign and the damage is already done. There is no proof other than a few subjective opinions. There will be new leadership and at they will be very publicly embarrassed.

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